Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sosej Berkicap

Kids and simple..another version of cooking the sausages..tengok the kids makan laju aje..hehehe..

10 sausages sliced
1 red chillies sliced
3 shallots sliced
2 garlics sliced
2 tsp curry powder
4 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 carrot sliced (didn't put this)
water to estimate
salt and sugar to taste
oil for frying

Heat oil and saute shallots and garlics till fragrant. Add in red chili and carrots. Stir well. Add in curry powder, stir. Add in soy sauce and some water. Add in sausages, let it simmer for a while then add in salt and sugar to taste. Ready.
Sources:- From Aziemas

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