Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Well Wishes From Friends

Card from Kak CT Delima, who only I realised I should have called her kakak when she celebrated her birthday the other day...all this while called her by her name..sorry ya Kak CT.
Thank you for the card. Semuga kita semua sihat dan senang menjalani ibadah puasa ni.Insyaallah.

Card yang ini pulak from Noorsha. Although she seldom update her blog, sekali update ha menu sedap2..wishing you success in your new endeavours ya Noorsha.

This one from Seri, .. very nice flowers sweet macam orangnya..heheh.. thank you Seri.
May all be blessed and selamat menyambut ramadhan almubarak!


  1. Kak Ayu, thanks for the cards... selamat menyambut Ramadhan AlMubarak utk akak sekeluarga juga :)

  2. Lupe nak bgtau...kite dah amek kad2 tue.. ade di bhgn CANDIES kat blogresipi. TQ again! :)


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