Monday, September 28, 2009

Makan Makan For Close Families

Still in Raya mood... just got the chance to update today...Saturday went out visitings to those houses that we didnt managed to visit during the holidays...

Yesterday, my in laws came over to our house ...'kecoh'(very noisy) with all the jokes and if my house is the only house celebrating hari raya in my area..hahaha..anyway it was fun and exciting as very seldom we get to gather as a family...this year we didnt have a that 'open house' as previous years as both Mr Hubby and me are quite busy handling some important events in the coming weeks and days....
I am in a midst of preparing for my niece wedding cupcakes which will be held this Sunday..

As usual I am very stressed!!! its like as if I am preparing for my own 'wedding'..Oops, ..hehehe. Mr Hubby is flying off to Australia somewhere in October, and the kids are sitting for their exams somehere there too... so by the time all of this over Hari raya also over..hahaha..

Below are what I prepared for the makan makan...I wanted to make something different( to me lah), not sure about others, to cook something 'simple' but yet 'accept

able'..? I opt not to cook noodles, nasi beriani, sayur lodeh and all those commonly served when ever I go to open houses.. can I say that I got sick of lontong, mee rebus and all the rendangs which you can find during the first and second day of I 've decided to serve something which is an everyday menu? (this is just my opinion ok..dont quote me ah!)

My buffet setting, again lazy to bring out the buffet set..just laid on the table and self serve.. makan makan starts at 2 pm and ended at 11 pm..wooh!!..tired wah cakap sama lu..

A view from the other side of dining table...

Shabsuka the main dish.. in this big aluminium foil I cracked 20 eggs.. I made 2 nos of this and left with half tray ..altogether I used 4kg of minced beef, 40 eggs, 10 red chillies, 10 green chillies, 13 big onions, 10 tomatoes, 1 small packet fried shallots and etc, etc.. basically I have never made shabsuka this much..hehehe..

2kg of buttered prawns, I used, 1/2 curry leaves, 20 birds eyes chillies and 1 butter for this menu. At the end left only 10 pieces..huhu..

Ayam Goreng Berempah Serai.. hot favourites.. 3kg chicken wings..finished with no trace..only left the 'kerak'(crispy stuff)..and curry leaves...

Nasi Goreng Kampung.. maybe some cant imagine why I served nasi goreng..hehehe..but believe me..this fried rice HABIS licin berkilat (finished with shining cleaned aluminium foil..)!!!!...
I used the Maggi 'Perencah Nasi Goreng Kampung' and just added some chicken meat and kangkung, fried some anchovies and minced it(tumbuk pakai batu lesung)and mixed them up!!!..hehehe

Kids Menu... for those kids that dont eat pedas(hot) dishes.. I bought 3 packets shoestring fries and 2 packets wedges... Habis!!!..cause big kids also lanyak..hehehe

This one I bought 7 packets Master's brand 'Black Pepper Coctail'.. I boiled it instead of fried it..before guest come my kids already attacked 2 packets... so left with 5 packets for guests..

French loaves, also nak masuk frame...Fresh from oven, so we didnt have to toast it cause it was still warm and crispy but yet soft in the inside....
I told Mr Hubby to buy 10 pieces he bought 15 pieces..
Ha engkau, I told him ini nak buat bantal peluk for him pun boleh..hahaha..he just smiled..
today left with 3 pieces...never mind lah can eat for breakfast..


  1. Ayu..I pun close jugak..nape i tak tahu pun!!!huhuhu...

  2. uish... meriahnyer menu dia.. pasal tak invite nor sekali.. huhu

  3. Wow Ayu...
    you must be exhausted after all that delicious cooking! But they all look so mouth watering... drool.......

  4. marhaban kat kg deris pun serve nasi goreng kg... licin jugak :)

  5. Watierman - hehehe..awak so close yet so far..hahaha

    Nor - biasa aje Nor, kita nak invite tapi takut by the time open house Nor sampai rumah dah close house..hehe

    lemongrass - aah LG, penat giler..lepas tu terbongkang tidur tak sedar diri .. alah menu simple aje ..sebab memang nak buat yg ringan2 aje..hehe

    kucingorengemok - ha dah nampak dah kat blog kog tu..tapi nasi goreng kog lagi sedap nampaknya..kalau kak ayu, pergi kesana memang tak cukup sepinggan tu..hehe


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