Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Orange Macan Roll

Orange Macan Roll was the hot favourite... already gone on the first day hari raya...'cut, served and finished'.....'cut, served and finished'....till I've got to hide a few slice for myself, cause I also like this cake..heheheh..

120g melted butter
8 nos. egg yolks
4 nos. egg white
80g fine sugar
75g plain flour
30g milk powder
1 tsp ovalette
1/2 tsp chocolate emulco
1/2 tsp coffee oil (I added coffee emulco)
1/2 tsp orange emulco
a drop of orange colouring(optional)- I added a few
1/2 tsp baking powder(not in recipe but I added myself)

Beat egg yolks, egg whites, sugar, flour, ovalette and milk powder together until thick and fluffy.
Pour in melted butter and mix till thoroughly mixed.
Scoop out 2 ladle spoonful of batter into a bowl. Add in chocolate paste and coffee oil and stir till well mixed. Place into a piping bag. Add in orange emulco and orange colouring into the balance batter and divide into 2 portions. Pour into 2 nos. 10" x10" square trays.
Pipe patterns onto the orange batter, write the letter 'C' on top. Bake at 190C for about 12 minutes. (My oven I used 175C for 12 minutes.) Leave to cool. Spread butter cream(I used chocolate butter cream) or jam on top and roll tightly. Leave it in the fridge to set and then slice.
Sources:-From Yochana's Cake delight.

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