Thursday, October 22, 2009

Chocolate Madeleines

Everytime, I wanted to bake, my mum will asked me 'kau nak buat apa?'(what are you going to bake?)... I would say, this cupcake or that muffins..then she will indirectly tell me, 'buat tulah..yang jual kat delifrance tu, kan sedap!!!(the one that sold in delifrance-she cant pronouce the name)hehehe...Oh!, madeleines eh?..AAAAAHHH!!! she would answer me...

'Oklah, ini kali ayu buat..'(ok this time I will make).. then when I was preparing for the ingredients, weighing and measuring the amounts, she asked me 'kau buat berapa adunan?'(how much ingredients you making)..I said just 1 lah..then she said' mana CUKUP!!!'..(not enough)..make morelah I like!!!!..iyoler mak, ayu buat 2 adunan ya...

Bahan-bahan ( 18-24 biji (bergantung pada saiz acuan madeleine) )
  • 100g butter
  • 100g dark cooking chocolate
  • 2/3 cawan gula
  • 3 biji telur (suhu bilik)
  • 1 cawan tepung kek (atau 1 cawan tepung gandum + 1/2 sudu kecil baking powder)
  • 1/4 sudu garam


  1. Cairkan butter & cooking chocolate menggunakan double boiler. Sejukkan sebentar.
  2. Pukuk telur & gula hingga kembang.
  3. Masukkan adunan butter & coklat yang telah disejukkan ke dalam adunan telur.
  4. Masukkan tepung & garam (yang telah diayak) ke dalam adunan, sedikit demi sedikit. Gaul hingga sebati menggunakan kaedah kaup balik.
  5. Simpan adunan yang telah siap dalam peti sejuk at least 1 jam sebelum membakar.
  6. Sapu acuan madeleine dengan sedikit butter. Sudukan adunan ke dalam acuan, 3/4 penuh.
  7. Bakar dalam pre-heated oven pada suhu 170 C, lebih kurang 15 minit. (bergantung pada jenis oven/acuan madeleine)

English version
100g butter
100g dark cooking chocolate
2/3 cups sugar (I reduced slightly)
3 eggs (room temperature)
1 cup cake flour (or 1 cup plain flour + 1/2 tsp baking powder)
1/4 tsp salt

Melt butter & cooking chocolate using double boiler method.Leave to cool.
Beat eggs and sugar together till fluffy.
Add in butter and chocolate mixture into eggs mixture.
Add in flour and salt which has been sieved into mixture bit by bit and fold using spatula.
Keep mixture in fridge at least 1 hr before baking.
Brush Madeleine mould with butter.Scoop mixture into mould till 3/4 full.
Bake in pre heated oven at 170 C, about 15 minutes according to oven and Madeleine mould.
Sources:- From

Some of the mixture I made in this mould, not sure what pattern is this...


  1. cute nyer acu dia yg bawah tu..

  2. heheh ayu pun tahu apa nama mould tu Nor,..main beli aje..its a silicon mould


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