Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sambal Godok

Another Javanese cuisine....saw this in Chef Tania's blog sometimes first when I wanted to cook this, my mum thought it was some kind of another sambal goreng..then when she saw there's gravy in the dish..barulah dia cakap Oooooh! ada kuah eh..haha..

Below was the recipe that I adjusted to my household the recipe she gave was quite an I re write to my own adjustments..not sure about the sugar amount, but I just added a bit....

2 fermented soy bean diced(tempe)- fried, dish out
2 taukwa diced -fried, dish out
150g long beans cut to 1 inch long -fried , dish out
2 red chillies sliced- fried, dish out
2 green chillies sliced - fried, dish out
10 medium size prawns (deshelled and deveined)- fried, dish out
1 lemon grass crushed
soo hoon and tofu stick to estimate-soaked till soft
sugar to taste
salt and MSG to taste
200ml coconut milk + 200 ml water

*2 tbsp minced onion
*1 tbsp minced garlics
*1 tbsp minced galangal
*1 tbsp belacan

Using the oil that fried all the pre fried ingredients, saute sliced onion, lemon grass and *minced ingredients till oil rises to the surface. Add in sliced chillies and stir well. Add in coconut milk + water and let it simmer. Add in sugar salt and MSG to taste. Add in all pre fried ingredients, soo hoon and tofu stick Stir well. Ready
Sources:-From Chef Tania

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