Monday, November 30, 2009

Anika Satay

Hello I am back!!...reached home yesterday night and was so tired..didnt got the chance to open my blog..this morning was busy clearing the laundry and stuff bought from JB...stayed 3 days in my brother's house in Bandar Putra Kulai..the kids really enjoyed their stay there, as they can climb up trees and play catching in front of the porch..maklumlah all this while been staying in 'pigeon holes', so when stay in landed house they felt so carefree... Marsya tak nak balik..hehe

Cross over on Thursday night. Not much photos that I snapped, but took this satay that we prepared from Singapore to be barbequed on Friday night. We barbequed, prawns, squids, sausages, fish balls, and chicken wings. On top of that we still prepare the normal menu like sayur lodeh, sambal goreng pengantin, rendang ayam, serunding and of course the compressed rice...

Bahan A dikisar halus-(Blended Ingredients A :-)
*1 kg daging lembu/peha ayam/kambing-(beef/chicken thigh meat/mutton)
*2 sudu besar ketumbar biji- saya gunakan serbuk saja-(tbsp coriander seeds-I used powdered)
*1 sudu makan jintan manis-(tbsp fennel powder)
*1 sudu makan jintan putih-(tbsp cumin powder)
*sejari halia-(thumb size ginger)
*sejari kunyit hidup-(thumb size fresh turmeric roots)
*2 batang serai-(lemon grass)
*4 biji bawang putih-(garlics)
*4cm lengkuas( ini saya tambah)-(galangal- I added this)
*3 ulas bawang merah(ini saya tambah)-(shallots-I added this)

250g gula pasir-(sugar)
lidi sate-(satay stick)

Beef Satay

Bahan B-(Ingredients B):-
1 biji buah keras, ditumbuk-(candle nut pounded)
1 sudu teh gula pasir-(tsp sugar)
1 sudu makan air-(tbsp water)
1 sudu makan minyak makan-(tbsp oil)
(dibancuh bersama)-(mix all the above)

Chicken Satay

Cara caranya-(Method):-
Daging dicuci bersih dan ditoskan. Hiris daging mengikut citarasa masing2. Tetapi setelah dihiris jangan dicuci lagi. Gaul hirisan daging ini dengan rempah kisar, gula dan garam sehingga rata. Perap selama 2 hingga 3 jam supaya rempahnya meresap. Barulah dicucuk dengan lili. Bakar atas tempat pembakar satay dengan menggunakan api arang. Renjis dengan bahan B dan bakarlah sehingga garing dan masak. Hidangkan dengan kuah satay, ketupat, hirisan timun dan bawang.-(Wash meat till clean adn drained. Slice meat according to preference, But after slicing, dont wash anymore. Mix sliced meat with blended ingredients, sugar and salt till incorporated. Let stand marinated for 2-3 hours. Thread seasoned meat on to satay sticks. Grill over charcoal fire or hot grill. Bast with ingredients B and grill crispy and cook. Serve with kuah kacang, ketupat, cucumber and onions.)
Sources:- From rossyabakes.

Note:- Lidi satay hendaklah direndam dalam air sebentar dan dilap kering. Ini untuk mengelakkkan dari lidi itu cepat hangus dan putus tatkla kita membakar satay ini menggunakan oven. -(Soak satay sticks in water for a while and wipe dry. This to prevent satay sticks from getting burnt and break while grilling using the oven)

Grilled Prawns

Grilled Squids


  1. bawak daging cross border? kalau gi negeri omputih kena buang ngan kastam je kan! hehe :)

  2. I am glad...your family & children really enjoy crossing the border celebrations & activities...!!MIss you so much Ayu...!!!

  3. kucingorengemok- memang pun, jangan negeri omputih, nak bawa masuk spore pun tak boleh..tapi masuk malaysia no problem kan..hehe

    Watierman - Thanks kak watie. Miss u too, lama tak keudara ya.

  4. Can't wait to try out yr satay recipe in the summer ... miss it very much ...we can't find good satay here in Toronto ... even if we do find 'good' ones ... they are VERY expensive!

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Tricia - there are actually a lot of satay recipes in the net..I went for this one, without knowing how would my satays taste like, but I gave it a try, thank god, its acceptable to our the 2nd time, still using the same recipe..I hope when you do try, it met with you taste bud and expectations ya...

    Oops, thanks for dropping by..and hope to hear from you more often..:-)

  6. Ayu,
    Thks for sharing this recipe! I've tried a few satay recipes but something always seem missing in the satay marinate.. This recipe is The One one ive been looking for - definitely a keeper tht I will be making again n again!


  7. Susanna - Thank you for trying this recipe..very glad & phew it met with your too, used this recipe if there any bbq that being organised in the my family..thanks again Susanna for the feedback!!!


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