Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Telor Itik Masak Lemak Cili Padi

This was the duck's eggs that I cooked in my brother's house the other day..Recipe was taken from Kak Ummi Kuantan. First time I cooked duck's eggs. Sedap jugak rasanya tau..of course they are slightly bigger then the chicken eggs... Will check again whether duck's eggs available here in Singapore or not so far haven't found the fresh ones..cant bring them in cause these are declare goods...Thank you kak, I posted the recipe here ok..

4 biji telur itik-(duck's eggs)
2 cawan santan pekat/pati santan-(cup thick coconut milk)
2 cawan satan cair-(cup thin coconut milk)
15 biji cili padi-(bird eyes chillies)
6 ulas bawang merah-(shallots)
1 ulas bawang putih-(garlic)
1 inci kunyit hidup-(fresh turmeric roots)
1 keping kecil asam gelugor(saya bubuh 2)-(dried tamarind slice-I added 2)
1 batang serai-(lemon grass)
beberapa helai daun kunyit-disiat2-(a few slices of turmeric leaves shredded)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)

Blend bersama santan cair, cili padi, bawang merah, bawang putih dan kunyit hidup. Tuangkan kedalam periuk, masukkan asam gelugur, serai, daun kunyit dan masak biar mendidih. Kemudian pecahkan telor satu persatu, perlahan lahan(jangan sampai pecah kuning telor tu). Perlahankan api dan biarkan telor masak. Masukkan garam secukup rasa. Setelah sudah agak mengeras, masukkan santan pekat dan kacau2 sebentar. Bila santan hampir mendidih saja, tutup apikan api.
Note:- Kacau2 sebentar agar santan tidak berkepala dan jangan masak terlalu lama, nanti santan pecah minyak pulak.-(Blend thin coconut milk, bird eyes chillies, shallots, garlic and fresh turmeric root. Pour mixtur into saucepan and add in dried tamarind slice, lemon grass, turmeric leaves and put to boil. Crack eggs one by one slowly(dont let the yolk break). Slow down heat and let it simmer till eggs are cooked. Add in salt to taste. When almost hardened, add in thick coconut milkand stir for a while. Let the coconut milk almost boiled then turn off heat. Stir slightly so as to prevent the coconut milk from cuddle.)


  1. Sekarang telur itik kemain mahal kak. Telur masin itik best jugak kan... lama dah tak makan...

  2. jazakillahu khairan jazilan atas atas resipi ini!


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