Thursday, November 19, 2009

Beef Sirloin Steak

I guessed next time we don't have to eat steak outside anymore...cause I can already do it myself...yabadabedoo...(this is a statement of an amateur cook) that also happy kan?...well of courselah.. first it saves a lot of money as it can cause you S$13-S$22 a plate outside.. Hubby, Hasif and me like to eat steak so if times 3 dah berapa?..

Saw homemade steak at Kak Anim's blog, kita pun nak try ler, saw this frozen steak in cold storage, cheap.. cheap, 2 packets for S$7+, 1 packet consist of 5 slices, I bought 4 packets without thinking twice.. reached home prepare the marinate...again recipe combine here and there and according to my taste..

8 pieces of sirloin or ribeye steak
5 tbsp crushed black peppercorns
5 tbsp black pepper powder
3 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp  lime juice
4 tbsp minced garlics
3 tbsp minced ginger

Wash and drain steak. Mix all the above according to quantity of steak and marinate for at least a few minutes, best a few hours. Grill or fry.

Garnish with boiled vegetables which has been boiled in salt water. I used broccoli, carrots and corn. Nice if with mashed potatoes, but no time so I just fried french fries.


  1. o my god, kak ayu! kill me, kill me now! (pasal tak dapat rasa) heheh, drama tak?

  2. salam kak ayu,
    bestnye kalau dapat sehiris... ;)


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