Friday, November 20, 2009

Kurau Kering & Pucuk Ubi Lemak Cili Api


200g kurau kering-( salted dried thread fins)
*20 biji cili api (boleh tambah kalau nak lagi pedas) -(bird eyes chillies(can add more if prefer hot)
*1 biji bawang besar-(large onion)
*2 ulas bawang putih-( garlics)
*1 sudu kecil kunyit serbuk -( tsp turmeric powder)
secawan santan + air-(1 cup of coconut milk +water)
1 cekak pucuk ubi-( 1 bunch of cassava leaves)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)

Rebus pucuk ubi sehingga layu dan toskan airnya. Hiris pucuk ubi rebus itu tadi. Tumis bahan *kisar bersama kurau kering sehingga naik bau. Masukkan santan + air dan garam secukup rasa. Tunggu sehingga mendidih diatas api sederhana dan masukkan hirisan pucuk ubi tadi . Biarkan sebentar dan kacau sehingga masak. -( Boil cassava leaves till soft and drained. Slice them thinly and put aside. Saute *blended ingredients together with salted dried thread fins till fragrant. Add in coconut milk +water and salt to taste. Let it simmer for a while on medium heat and add in sliced cassava leaves. Let it for a while till cook. Ready)

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