Monday, November 02, 2009

Beef Soup Celery

Today's entries are actually yesterday's menu...Mr Hubby requested some soupy dish..I know he likes beef so made this for him...Normally when I made soup I will just use the ready made soup powder for the base..but this time, tried this recipe pulak......I 'stole' some glance without Mr Hubby notice while he was 'slurpping' away..hehe..Mr Hubby finished 2 bowls ... sipping without looking left or right..

1/2 kg beef cut to cubes(boil with 1000ml water and save the stock)
2potatoes cut quarter
10 cherry tomatoes(I used normal tomatoes)
1 carrot sliced like coins
3 stalk celery cut to 1" length
2 cubes beef stock
2 large onions sliced
1" Cinnamon stick(kayu manis)
2 star anise(bunga lawang)
2 cardamons(buah pelaga)
salt to taste
5 tbsp oil

Ground spices and made paste:-
2" ginger
4 garlics
8 shallots
2 tbsp coriander seeds

In a wok, heat oil and saute sliced onion, Cinnamon stick, star anise and cardamon pods till fragrant. Add in grounded paste after 5 minutes. Add sauteed mixture into beef stock and add in about another 500ml water. Let it simmer and add in potatoes, carrots, salt and beef cubes.
When potatoes and carrots are cooked, add in celery and cherry tomatoes. Leave to cook about 5 minutes and turn off heat. Serve hot and garnish with fried shallots and Chinese celery.
Sources:- From Chef Tania blog.


  1. salam kak ayu,
    sedap tu sup daging. wa...daging kat peti ais keras lg camna nak masak ni??
    p/s:tumpang semangkuk bole kak? hehe

  2. beef soup Ayu.....i like...taste sama lah pulak dengan En Hubby ...jangan mare!!!


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