Monday, November 02, 2009

Kaswi Serikaya

Breakfast for Mr Hubby this morning... I reduced the sugar cause my parents cant take too much sweet stuff and also have to watch out for Mr Hubby, not to eat too much we get older, all kinds of sickness start to appear..huhu

Ingredients for Kaswi:-
250 g tepung gandum(plain flour)
60 g tepung ubi/sagu(tapioca starch)
200 g gula melaka - diracik (palm sugar)
100 g gula pasir- saya gunakan 70g(granulated sugar)- I reduced to 70g
1 tsp air kapur (white lime water)
500 ml air(water)
2 helai daun pandan - disimpul(pandan leaves tie a knot)
1 tsp pewarna choc.(chocolate colour)

Ingredients for Serikaya :-
3 biji telur(eggs)
1 1/4 cups santan pekat (300ml) - dr 1/2 biji kelapa parut(coconut milk)
200 g gula halus- saya gunakan 70g (fine sugar)-I reduced to 70g
1 tbsb tepung beras(rice flour)
secubit garam(pinch of salt)
1/2 tsp esen vanilla(vanilla essence)
sedikit pewarna kuning(some yellow colourings)
acuan kuih lompang secukupnya(lompang cups or your favourite moulds)- I used jelly moulds

Method for Kaswi:-
Masak gula melaka,gula pasir bersama air dan daun pandan hingga mendidih dan gula larut.Sejukkan.Tapis.(Put palm sugar, granulated sugar, water and pandan leaves to boil and let dissolves and put aside to let cool and strained.)

Campurkan kedua2 tepung bersama air gula,air kapur dan pewarna choc. dan gaul rata dan tapiskan sekali lagi.(Add in the 2 flour, sugar, white lime water and chocolate colour to syrup above and mix well till incorporated and starined again)

Tuang adunan ke dlm acuan lompang yg telah disapu minyak dan dipanaskan dulu.Kukus hingga selama 15 min.(Pour mixture into moulds which has been greased with oil and heat up for a while, and steam for about 15 minutes)

Sambil menunggu bahagian kaswi masak,sediakan serikayanya pula :-(while waiting for the kaswi to cook, prepare the serikaya)

Satukan kesemua bahan2 serikaya di dlm periuk dan kacau rata,tapis,kecuali acuan lompang lah...(Mix all the serikaya ingredients and strained)

Masak di atas api perlahan sehingga naik wap sahaja.(Put on heat till steaming)
Tuangkan serikaya di atas kaswi tadi dan kukus semula hingga 15-20 min atau hingga masak.(Pour serikaya ontop of steamed kaswi and steam again for 15-20 minutes or till cook)

Biarkan kaswi serikaya benar2 sejuk dan bolehlah dikeluarkan dari acuannya dan siap utk di hidangkan.(Let serikaya cool then bring out from the moulds and ready to serve.)

***air gula untuk bahagian kaswi hendaklah benar2 sejuk,jika tidak kaswi tidak akan lembut.(syrup for kaswi must really cool or else you wont get a soft kaswi)


  1. Cute mute nya kaswi tu ayu...terberkenan dah ni....tak mau balik nak dok depan rumah ni...tunggu kaswi setupperware...nak wat sendiri kak M...sebab tak da org lain minat...tunggu Along I balik cuti...baru ada gang...tukang perabis my cooking...hahaha...missed ny eldest son!!

  2. Salam kak Ayu,
    hmm lama tak makan kaswi. tak penah rasa yg berkaya. Mesti cedap,kan,kak?


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