Monday, November 23, 2009

Choc - Cheese Orange Muffins

Dah lama tak buat muffins, lama ke?...I think a few already tried this recipe..but I cant remember who...actually I just couldnt wait to do this any longer..although theres no orange in the house!! I made this without the orange zest...but used the sunquick for the juice... orange and chocolate just goes very well!!!...maybe I should start collecting kulit buah orange after eating oranges..recipe from Che Mat Gebu ler...

I doubled the ingredients and added another 2-3 tbsp of corn oil...sprinkle some chocolate chips and filled half the cup instead of 3/4 sorry ya Che Mat, saya adjust sikit....bukan apa takut 'pisang berbuah dua kali'.(once bitten twice shy)..I remembered the last time muffins that consist, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda will rise when baking, and 20 cups of mufiins were gone into 'Mr Bin' ... so I did what I did...Terima kasih dan halalkan resepinya ya..

130 g mentega-(butter)
130 g cream cheese-(cream cheese)
4 biji telur gred A-(eggs grade A)
150 g gula halus-(fine sugar)
260 g tepung gandum*-(*plain flour)
1/2 camca teh soda bikarbonate*-(*tsp bicarbonate of soda)
1/2 camca teh baking powder*-(*baking powder)
40 g serbuk koko*(*digaul rata dan diayak)-(*cocoa powder sift together)
2 camca besar golden syrup (boleh ganti dengan "madu")-(tbsp golden syrup, can be replaced with honey)
1 biji oren, parut kulitnya-(orange zest)
50 ml jus oren (perah dari oren di atas)-(orange juice)

Satukan mentega, cream cheese dan gula, putar hingga putih dan gula hancur. Masukkan telur satu persatu sambil terus memutar hingga kembang. Jarak waktu untuk satu telur = 1 minit. Masukkan parutan kulit oren, putar rata.
Pada kelajuan perlahan, masukkan tepung tadi berselang seli dengan jus oren, hingga habis. Macam biasa kalau masuk berselang seli, mesti diakhiri dengan tepung. Putar hingga semua sebati.
Kaup adunan dengan spatula untuk meratakan mana2 bahagian dalam mangkuk adunan yang kurang rata. Sudukan adunan 3/4 penuh dalam muffin cup(saya masukkan SETENGAH saja.). Bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan pada suhu 190C(saya menggunakan 175c utk oven saya) selama 25 minit atau hingga masak.
Sejukkan atas jaringan sebelum dihidang. Kalau suka boleh juga disapu cream dan hias ikut kreativiti masing2....-(Combine butter, cream cheese and sugarin a mixer. Mix till white and sugar dissolved. Add in eggs one by one while still mixing till fluffy. 1 minute interval for each eggs. Add in orange zest. Using a slow speed, add in flour alternately with orange juice till. Repeat till finish ending with flour. Mix well. Fold mixture with spatula. Scoop mixture and fill 3/4 of cup.(I filled only HALF). Bake in pre heat oven at 190c(i used 175c for my oven) for 25 minutes or till cook. Let it cool on wires. You can decorate with your favourite toppings)
Sources:- From

1 comment:

  1. Comelnyer. Mesti sedap ni. Banyak bahannya. Pandai ke entah kak gerau nak buat ni.


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