Monday, November 23, 2009

Sup Tulang

Ah!!! beef lagi....this was yesterday's lunch...on Sunday or Saturday mornings, usually I will go marketing for wet stuff, but last weekend I was so lazy to get up yesterday, I asked Mr Hubby to go aje....haha..trying to be idle...anyway not much stuff that I told him to get for me... some prawns, squids, stingray and just 1kg of beef...thats all..but you know what?..he came back with no squids but with 1kg of prawns, 2-3 kg of stingray, 2 large sea breams, 2 kg of beef and 1/2 kg of this bone meat!!! freezer was overloaded lah...

He told me he wanted sup tulang!!!..In my heart..ish beef again?2 days eat beef?..grrrr...Oklah..Mr Hubby, I make Sup tulang for you ..but I told him this will take very long to cook, his answer was never mind take your time...aduhh!!..confirm cannot took me 2 hours plus to cook this dish!!!..yalah nak kasi dia empukkan..furthermore I dont have pressure cooker...

500g tulang lembu-(beef bones)
1 sup bunjut adabi-(soup spices)
2 kiub ayam-(cubes chicken stock)
21/2 liter air-(water)
3-4 ulas bawng puith cincang-(garlics crushed )
1 cm halia cincang-(ginger minced)
minyak untuk menumis-(oil for saute)
daun sup/daun bawang-(spring onions/chinese celery)
cili padi kalau nak pedas-(birds eyes chiilies if prefer hot)
limau nipis- kalau suka masam2 sikit-saya tak letak ni, saya letak1 biji tomato-(kaffir lime if prefer a bit sour- but I didnt put this as I added 1 tomato)
2 ketul ubi kentang-(potatoes)
1/2 batang lobak merah-(1/2 carrot)
3-4 tbsp rempah sup-ini tiada dalam resipi saya tambah sendiri-( soup powder, not in recipe but I added)

Cucilah tulang temulang. Panaskan minyak, Tumis bawang putih dan halia cincang sehingga kekuningan. Masukkan air dengan tulang temulang. Rebuslah sehingga tulang empuk. Bila dah empuk, masukkan ubi kentang dengan lobak merah. Kalau tak nak letak pun tak apa. Masukkan pula rempah sup bunjut dan juga kiub ayam.(saya masukkan juga rempah sup powder). Biarkan sehingga kentang empuk. Masukkan pula sedikit gula, garam. (Akhir sekali saya masukkan tomato). Bila nak makan bolehlah taburkan dengan bawang goreng, daun sup, daun bawang, cili padi.-(Wash bone meats. Heat oil and saute garlics and ginger till golden yellow. Add in water and bone meats. Let it boil till cook(best if use pressure cooker). When cooked, add in carrots and potatoes, soup spices and chicken cubes. (I added soup powder at this point too.) Let the potatoes cooked. Add in salt and sugar.( Lastly I added tomatoes). Garnish with fried shallots, spring onions and chinese celery.)


  1. Kak gerau suka sup ni. uggghhh. sedapnyeer.

  2. caranya yerk nak tahu tahap ke'hendak'kan suami yerk..hihi
    saya pun takder pressure cooker.. mahal oooo


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