Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Chocolate Buttermilk Cake

I missed baking , so that was why I made this particular occasions or reasons, just 'itchy hands' (tangan gatal) hahaha ...'I've got the recipe here....I made according to the owners instructions the ones in brackets cause didn't want the cake to be too sweet...I didn't make the chocolate fudge, as I used my butter cream balanced from the wedding cupcakes (which I stored in an air tight container in the fridge)

Comments from my family was that the cake was a bit dry (maybe should add 2 tbsp oil?agak2 nyalah ni-org tak pandai mengagak lagi) sad...
anyway, 'belum cuba belum tahu' ni dah cuba baru AKU tahu....hahahha...enjoy the view ajalah ....while 'washing your eye'..(cuci mata)..hehhe
Anyway thank you dear owner..I copied and paste the recipe here ya..

For the Cake:
1/2 cup buttermilk

4 ozs butter - cut into small pieces
1/3 cup dutch-processed cocoa powder
1 cup sugar (1/2 cup for mixing with the cocoa powder and 1/2 cup for whisking egg whites)-(Ayu used 3/4 cups, 85g each for cocoa powder & egg whites)
1 tsp baking soda
5 large eggs separated
1 cup cake flour
1 tsp vanilla extract

For the Chocolate Fudge:
1 1/2 cups sugar(i would like to suggest 1 cup)
2/3 cups water
1/4 cup corn syrup
8 ozs chilled butter - cut into 1/2 inch pieces
4 ozs bittersweet chocolate
1 tsp vanilla extract

For the cake:
Preheat oven at 325f and grease 2 - 8 inch bottom lined cake pans - dust with flour.
Melt buttermilk and butter at very low heat - 100 f.
Mix cocoa powder with the sugar, stir to break up the cocoa powder, then add in the baking soda.
Pour the hot buttermilk/butter mixture and stir to melt the sugar.
Whisk egg whites on high speed and when it is foamy, add in the sugar at the side of mixer bowl and whisk till MORE than SOFT PEAKS.
Add vanilla extract and the lightly beaten ed egg yolks to the Cocoa/buttermilk mixture .
Add in the flour and stir with a whisk to combine.
With a large spatula, fold in the egg whites (wrap the bottom and tap the spatula to loosen the mixture that is stuck to it)
Divide the batter into the 2 prepared cake pans and bake for 30 minutes.
Check for doneness.
Remove from oven and leave in cake pan for 5 minutes before removing the cake pan. Leave cake to cool on rack.

For the Chocolate Fudge:
Mix the sugar, water and corn syrup in a large bowl and give it a good whisking before transferring mixture into saucepan.(for friends in Denver, cover the saucepan, let sugar come to a boil for a few minutes before removing lid)
Cook on medium heat until sugar reaches 235f =, by now it should have less big bubbles and a tinge of yellow.
Pour hot sugar into a mixer bowl and Whip on high to cool slightly.
Add in 1 piece chilled butter at the time - the chill butter will cool mixture.
Melt chocolate in the microwave and stir to melt.
Add melted chocolate to butter/sugar mixture, then add vanilla extract.
Stir to combine and fudge is ready.

To assemble the cake:

Slice the cakes into halves.
Place one slice of cake on a cake platter and top with 3 - 4 tbsp of fudge. Spread fudge to the edge of cake and top with another slice.
Repeat process and on the last slice, pour all the fudge on top and spread to edge and sides.
Sources:-From Lily's Wai Sek Yong


  1. best nyerrr nampak..
    kan best kalu kiter berjiran sebelah rumah! coz tangan saya ni jarang sgt gatal! hehe

  2. Ida - hehehe..kite pun suke kalau duduk berjiran sebelah Ida, sebab kalau apa2 sakit..boleh mintak consultations PREE!!..hehhe..joking ya...jangan marah nanti kena jual hehehe

  3. salam kak ayu,
    comei kek tu. pandai kak ayu decorate. saya tang buat rajin, tapi bab decorate, tangan tak berseni. hihi

  4. I think I'm going to cry because I visited your blog when I'm fasting hehehehehe looks so nice omg

  5. Darwisyah - when is your birthday, maybe i can bake a cake for you..?

  6. Bake a cake? Ya Allah tkpe bik, malu sey HAHAHA

  7. Darwisyah - kalau bibik tak sibuk bibik boleh bake kan..tapi kalau kena hari raya, ah tu bibik banayk punya sibuk..maybe after raya i can bake for you?..u want cake yang mana satu dalam blog bibik ni? u choose ok..tapi after raya lah tau.


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