Thursday, November 05, 2009

Lontong Kering

Our breakfast this morning, just bought the ready made 'lontong kering'( dried lontong)..a dish that use the compressed rice and side dish with sambal goreng, sambal sotong kering, serunding and bagedil... leaving soon to Kuala a last minute call yesterday ..Mr Hubby's cousin warded in ICU, due to brain back by tonight hopefully...Aduh!!, sure 'patah pinggang' one...cause one day journey!!.At first I didnt want to go but, Mr Hubby persuaded me...ikutkan aje ler...


  1. Mengancam lontong kering itu ayuuuu!

    Doa dari Akak moga your cousin dipelihara oleh Nya dan semuga Allah memberi kesembuhan buatnya...Semoga segala urusan dipermudahkan untuk Ayu, Hubby dan seisi keluarga...Amin!!!


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