Thursday, November 26, 2009

Eidul Adha Cards From Friends

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to our Muslims friends where ever you are. Like every year my family will celebrate Raya Haji with such of this year, we will not be in Singapore but somewhere North from Singapore and South of Malaysia..tekalah kat mana..hehe
Anyway below are the cards that I managed to collect. Sorry if I missed out anybody ya.Thank you for the thoughts and wishes to all of my friend bloggers ya.

Dari Hasue Malaysia

Dari Nor Terenggganu

Dari Kak Mimieloma Kuala Lumpur

Dari Noorsha Negeri SembilanDari Azura Johore Bahru

Dari Kak Intan Kuala Lumpur

Dari Azatie Taiping Perak

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