Thursday, November 26, 2009

Steam Chocolate Cake

Salam, I guessed by this time most of the housewives and mothers are busy preparing the makan2 for tomorrow Eidul Adha..same goes to me family are actually preparing to cross over the Causeway to celebrate the raya with my brother basically I wont be updating till at least next week...will upload pictures if I were to take and update in my blog Ok.

Anyway, I made this Steam Chocolate Cake for my 16th Wedding Anniversary today. Alah, just cake no fancy dinner or what so ever...just makan lontong ajelah malam ni this cake can for our makan2 tomorrow also.. 2-in-1 cake....dah tua2 ni, semuanya 'wholesale' borong lah gitu..haha.. this cake is very moist and soft baru tadi potong..SEDAPPPPP!!...ini tak bedek cakap-:)

1 cup cocoa powder(sieved)-(serbuk koko-diayak)
3/4 cup fine sugar-(gula halus)
250g butter-(mentega)
1 cup fresh milk-(susu segar)
1/2 cup condensed milk-(susu pekat)
160g plain flour-sieved 2x -(tepung gandum-diayak 2 kali)
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
3 eggs-(telur)

Double boil cocoa powder, condensed milk, fresh milk, butter and sugar till incorporated. Let cool and put aside. Sieve flour and bicarbonate of soda together and put aside. Whisk eggs no need to be too fluffy. Add in cocoa mixture and mix well. Add in flour/bicarbonate of soda bit by bit and fold lightly. Grease baking tray with butter, add batter into mould and steam with a medium heat for about 1 hour 45 minutes. Cover mould with aluminium foil.-(Masukkan serbuk koko, susu pekat, susu segar, mentega dan gula kedalam mangkuk dan masak dengan kaedah double boil. Bila semua bahan cair, matikan api dan biarkan ia sejuk sebentar. Ayak tepung bersama bicarbonate soda ketepikan. Pukul telur tak payah sampai kembang. Masukkan adunan coklat tadi dan gaul rata. Masukkan tepung sikit demi sedikit. Gaul menggunakan spatula. Sapukan loyang dengan sedikit butter dan tuangkan aduna kedalamnya. Kukus kek dengan menggunakan api pertengahan selama 1 jam 45 minit. Tutup loyang dengan aluminium foil.)

Chocolate Ganache:-
125g dark chocolate
100g whipping cream
1/2 tbsp butter


Using double boiler method again, add whipping cream, dark chocolate and butter and let them melt and let cool slightly before decorating.

Meanwhile take care and and Happy Holidays. Miss me Ok.hehe


  1. Slamat ari raya kak...hepi belated aniversary....sedap kek tu...ada lg takkk nk try ni

  2. selamat ulang tahun yg ke 16 tahun yek...lamenye tu...moga kekal hingga ke hembusan nafas yg terakhir hendaknya,amin...!

    selamat hari raya aidil adha juga...

  3. Happy 16th anniversary... didoakan bahagia dunia dan akhirat.. wah ngancam nampak kek tu.. nak try gak one fine day..

  4. Saya baru terjumpe blog akak few days ago dr blog Mat gebu. Last 2 days saya cuba resepi steamed choc cake ni.

    The best part cake jadi dan yummy!!

    Thanks a lot..


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