Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ikan Siakap Bakar

Today menu was this Grilled Sea bass...imagine now then got the chance to update, during the day, my kids + me were fighting over this computer...even Marsya!!!..Pantang lepa, or if I need to get something, when I came back, there sure to be somebody warming up the seat... basically they wanted to play games lah..

Itupun sometimes I just 'cut que' and told them, a while only I need to go to my blog...and that's when I leave messages in other peoples blog..hahaha..I made this grilled fish using the recipe that I ever used before. I put up here again.
1-2 sea bass-(ikan siakap)
1 packet chili paste (with vinegar)-please estimate to how many fish cooked-(chili boh yang ada cuka- mengikut sukatan berapa banyak ikan digunakan)
2 garlics minced-(bawang putih cincang)
10 laksa leaves minced- (daun kesum dihiris)
1 tsp coconut milk-(santan)
oil for frying-(minyak untuk menggoreng)
salt and sugar to taste-(garam dan serbuk perasa)
some banana leaves soften for wrapping-(daun pisang secukupnya di layukan diatas api)
aluminium foil for wrapping the banana leaves-(kertas timah untuk membalut daun pisang)

Clean and wash fish as usual and wipe dry with kitchen towel.
Heat oil in wok and saute garlics, laksa leaves and chili paste till oil goes up the surface. Add in coconut milk, salt, sugar and MSG if you like. Cook for a while.
Take a piece of aluminium foil and layered with a piece of banana leaf.As long you can cover the fish its good enough. Put some sambal mixture onto the leaf and layered with the fish finishing the top with another layer of sambal mixture. Wrapped the leaf first then the aluminium foil outside. The aluminium foil is to prevent the fish from burnt. Can be BBQed, grill or on a flat pan. Do not overcook or the sambal will become dry. Garnish with coriander leaves and some lime juice.-(Bersihkan ikan seperti biasa dan keringkan ikan dengan menggunakan tuala. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang putih, daun kesum dan chili boh sehingga garing. Masukkan santan, garam dan serbuk perasa kalau suka. Biarkan seketika. Ambil sehelai daun pisang dan dialaskan dengan kertas timah. Bubuh sedikit sambal diatas daun pisang tadi dan letak kan ikan diatasnya dan bubuh sambal lagi diatas ikan tadi. Bungkus daun pisang dulu baru kertas timah diluar. kertas timah digunakan untuk mengelakkan ikan dari hangus. Boleh dibakar, panggang atau panggang diatas kuali. Jangan masak terlau lama, kerana sambalnya akan kering. Hiaskan dengan daun ketumbar dan perahan limau sambal.)
Sources:-From Rossyabakes fotopages. Original recipe was Ikan Bakar Mak Gayah.


  1. Salam kak Ayu,
    Ikan siakap bakar...hu, semerbak bau sampai selangor, kak. hihi.
    Selamat hari Raya AidilAdha, buat kak ayu sekeluarga :)


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