Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Seafood Tom Yam Putih

TomYam Putih, again..this time I just changed the main ingredients to seafood..but somehow, have to put some beef in it..heheh..I guessed you know for who right?...
My kids love Tom Yam Soup..even Marsya..its not hot as I just throw in the chillies without crushing it or slicing them...


Udang & Sotong -(prawns & squids)
1.2 liter air atau lebih kurang-(water to estimate)
2 biji bawang besar dihiris-( large onion sliced ring)
2 batang serai dititik-(lemon grass crushed)
2 helai daun limau purut-(kaffir leaves)
12 biji limau nipis ambil jus-(lime juice)
3 batang celeri dihiris serong-(celery sliced)
sedikit bunga kobis-(some cauliflower)

sedikit lobak merah-(some carrots)
2 biji tomato dipotong 4-(tomatoes quartered)
cili padi ikut kepedasan dititik-( bird eyes chillies up to preference -crushed)
sedikit daun ketumbar-(some coriander leaves)
1 kiub stok ayam-(chicken cube)
2 tbsp sos ikan-(fish sauce)
garam & msg -(salt and msg)

Didihkan air dan masukkan, bawang besar, cili padi, serai, kiub ayam. Biarkan seketika. Bila dah mendidih, masukkan lobak merah dan bunga kobis. Masak hingga hampir empuk. Masukkan udang & sotong, sos ikan dan celery renih kan hingga masak. Perasakan dengan garam & msg. Akhir sekali masukkan juice limau dan tomato.Taburkan daun ketumbar bila menghidang. -(Put onions, bird eye chillies, lemon grass and chicken cube to boil. When bubbling add in carrots and cauliflower. Almost cook add in prawns and squids, fish sauce and celery. Let it simmer till cook. Add salt and msg to taste.Lastly add in tomatoes and lime juice. Sprinkle some coriander leaves when serve)

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