Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kuey Teow Ladna Seafood

Couldnt update my blog yesterday cause was quite busy running here and there....went to Hasif school to purchase his next year books and uniforms..after that went out again to buy groceries from the nearby supermarket...all by walking!!! driving licence but dont dare to drive...padan muka aku..hehe ..Mr Hubby has been asking me when can I least not so bad when those days if he couldnt send the kids to tuition I can handle them.. but my answers was always, insyaallah...nanti I'll drive ler..hehee ... later will be going out again, this time to Marsya collect her report card and view her works in school.

Anyway the above was yesterday menu... got the recipe from sunkist79... I changed the noodles to kuey is something like 'WatTan Hor' only this didnt add eggs in it..thank you Ida for sharing the recipe. As for today just fried the leftovers kuey teow for lunch...dinner will be prepared after I come back later..

Bahan2:-(1 pax)-
100g kuey teow-(kuey teow)
1 tbsp minyak sayur-(vegetable oil)
1 tbsp kicap pekat-(dark soy sauce)
isi sotong & udang-(squids & prawns)
1 tbsp tepung jagung-(corn flour)
sayur-sayuran seperti bunga kobis, baby corn, carrot, dll-(vegetables- cauliflower, baby corn, carrot etc.)
2 ulas bawang putih - dicincang kasar-(garlics crushed)
1 cup stok ayam-( chicken stock)
1 tbsp sos ikan-(fish sauce)
1 tbsp sos tiram-(oyster mushroom)
gula, serbuk perasa & sedikit serbuk white pepper-(sugar, msg & a bit of white pepper powder)

Gaul isi sotong & udang sedikit tepung jagung dan maggi seasoning(saya tak letak). Perap selama 10 minit. Didalam mangkuk, gaulkan kuey teow dengan minyak & kicap pekat. Kemudian goreng dalam non stick pan sehingga warna kekuningan.Angkat dan sejukkan. Panaskan minyak dan goreng bawang putih hingga berwarna kekuningan. Masukkan isi udang & sotong yg telah diperap tadi dan goreng sehingga masak. Masukkan pula stok ayam dan masak hingga mendidih.
Masukkan sayur sayuran, sos ikan, sos tiram, gula & serbuk perasa. Kacau sehingga rata. Masukkan pula tepung yang telah dibancuh dengan sedikit stok ayam. Bila sudah pekat, angkat dan tuangkan keatas mee. Taburkan sedikit white pepper.-(Mix squids & prawns with some corn flour and maggi seasoning(I didnt use). Let it for 10 minutes.In a bowl, mix kuey teow with oil & dark soy sauce. Fry in a non stick pan till incorporated. Dish out and let cool. Heat oil and saute gralics till golden yellow. Add in marinated prawns & squids and stir fry till cooked. Add in chicken stock and let it simmer for a while. Add in veggies, fish sauce, oyster sauce, sugar & msg. Stir well. Add in corn flour that has been mixed with a bit of chicken stock. When thickens dish out and pour onto kuey teow.)


  1. wow! senang ajerr yerk... nak cuber gak la...
    main boh bohh bohh jerk..

  2. Senang tapi Akak kalau apa yang Ayu masak semua Akak berkenan..nak makan yang kat umah Ayu jer...sebab Akak tak sempat nak buat sendiri....alasan org malas!!!

  3. ida- cubalah ida, memang main boh boh aje..jangan tercampak senduk sudah..heheh

    watierman- hahaha..alah akak ni..mana malasnya..hari2 masak lauk sedap2 tu apa....lagi2 anak bujang sulung dah balik tu..lagilah menu mengancam kang keluar..hehe

  4. Salam kak Ayu,
    wah! jumpa kue teow ladna lagi! sedap sungguh. lama tak makan...


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