Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tepung Menggoreng Rangup

This morning breakfast..tried using this recipe for the batter that stays crispy although when cool..instead of using yellow colouring I added orange colour..huhu...thank you kak royladzem for sharing this recipe..


75 gram tepung naik sendiri -(self raising flour)
60 gram tepung beras -(rice flour)
1 camca besar tepung jagung -(tbsp corn flour)
sedikit serbuk kunyit/ pewarna kuning -(a bit of turmeric powder/or yellow colouring)
garam secukupnya -(salt to taste)
gula secukupnya (jika mahu) -(sugar if preferred)
sedikit air kapur (anggaran 1 sudu kecil - jangan terlalu banyak nanti pahit) -(a bit of white lime water-not too much or else bitter- abt 1 tsp)
130 ml air -(water)
3 - 5 ketul ais (jangan terlalu banyak takut adunan cair) -(ice-not too much or else mixture will be too runny)

Satukan bahan kering didalam mangkuk. Buatkan lubang di tengahnya, tuangkan air sambil gaul hingga sebati. Bila pekat dan boleh menyalut belakang sudu, biarkan bancuhan selama 10-15 minit. Pastikan minyak untuk menggoreng banyak dan cukup panas supaya pisang digoreng menjadi keemasan dan tidak menyerap minyak. Selepas bancuhan diperab untuk 10 - 15 minit dan minyak cukup panas, masukkan anggaran 3 - 5 ketul ais dalam adunan dan celup pisang dalam bancuhan dan terus goreng. Insyallah pisang akan menjadi ranggup
walaupun telah sejuk. -(Mix all the dry ingredients in a container. Make a well in the centre, and add in water and mix well. When thickens and covered the back of the spoon, let the mixture for 10-15 minutes. Make sure oil for frying is really hot and covered the banana/cempedak/sweet potatoes to golden yellow and not soggy. After the mixture has set add in 3-5 ice and dip bananas in batter and fry. Bananas will still be crispy although when cool.)

1 comment:

  1. oo letak ais cube & self raising flour ye...nanti2 boleh try ni! TQ yer Ayu..


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