Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Nasi Goreng Kunyit

Our Brunch today...fried some keropok and anchovies for garnishing....Iqram had 2 servings for this and even requested to bring to school...recipe adapted from umi e@myresipi.com, I adjusted accordingly...

900g rice
1 large onion sliced
*1 large onion
*2 garlics
*a handful of dried shrimp
*5 bird eyes chillies
1 tsp turmeric powder
5 medium size prawns
1/2 cube anchovies stock(kiub ikan bilis)
1 tbsp oyster sauce
3-4 leaves cabbage sliced thinly
2 eggs
sliced fish balls(optional)
fried anchovies(optional)
some water to estimate
salt and MSG to taste
(*blended or grounded ingredients)

Heat oil and saute *blended ingredients till fragrant. Add in anchovies cube, oyster sauce, turmeric powder and stir. Add in water, prawns and let it simmer for a while. Add in cabbage, salt and MSG to taste. Add in rice and stir well. Drop in eggs and stir till incorporated.(this part either rice comes first or eggs comes first, up to preference). Ready

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