Thursday, November 12, 2009

Opor Nangka

This dish was suppose to be with chicken, but because no chicken in the fridge, I adjusted it to do just this...recipe was taken again from my cook book..There were suppose to be ginger, and some other spices..but cause the main ingredients was the jack fruit, I omitted the spices...and added some dried shrimp as the base...oklah this dish is not hot and the kids can have them...


300g jack fruit-(Buy young, unripe fruit.Remove skin and cut into large cubes. Boil jack fruit in salted water for about 20 minutes. When cooked, drain.)-(nangka)
4 shallots sliced thinly-(bawang merah dihiris nipis)
*1 tsp minced garlics-(bawang putih)
*1 tsp minced galangal-(lengkuas )
*1 tbsp minced candle nuts-(buah keras)
*1 tbsp minced dried shrimp-(udang kering)
*1 tsp cumin powder-(jintan putih)
*1 tsp turmeric powder-(kunyit)
*1 tsp white pepper-(lada sulah)
1 lemon grass bruised-(serai)
1 cup coconut milk + 3 cups water-(1 cawan santan pekat +3 cawan air)
2 green chillies slash-( chili hijau dibelah)
2 red chillies slash-(chili merah dibelah)
1 tbsp kerisik-(kerisik)
salt and MSG to taste-(garam & msg)

Heat oil, saute shallots till brown. Add *minced ingredients and lemon grass. Fry till fragrant. add in 3 cups water, salt and MSG. let it simmer for a while. Add in 1 cup coconut milk . When boiling, add in boiled jackfruit and kerisik. Stirring occasionally continue cooking for a while longer, add in chillies, stir and remove from heat. Garnish with fried shallots before serving. -(Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang merah hingga kekuningan. Masukkan bahan *kisar dan serai tumis hingga garing dan naik bau. Masukkan air, garam dan serbuk perasa. Biarkan ia sebentar. Masukkan santan pekat. Bila mendidih, masukkan nangka dan kerisik. Kacau selalu dan biarkan ia sebentar. masukkan chili, kacau dan matikan api. Hiaskan dengan bawang goreng).
Sources:- Zarina's Home cooking

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