Thursday, November 12, 2009

Paru Goreng Kunyit Berlada

Side dish for today..sedap !!!..something different for me..hehehe...I bought the ready boiled beef lungs in a prepacked frozen packaging and straight away sliced and fried them..


300 - 400g paru (potong besar, dicuci bersih & direbus terlebih dahulu) -(beef lungs-sliced, wash and boiled)
*1 ulas bawang putih -( garlic)
* 1 cm halia -(ginger)
* 1.5 cm kunyit hidup -(fresh turmeric roots)
* 9 biji cili api (nak lebih atau kurangkan pun boleh) -( bird eyes chillies or up to preference)
* garam secukup rasa (bahan bertanda * ditumbuk) -( salt to taste-*blended ingredients)
1 biji bawang besar ( dihiris) -(large onion sliced thinly)
1 keping asam gelugur -(dried tamarind slice)
serbuk perasa.-(msg)

Paru yang telah direbus tadi dipotong nipis & digoreng garing (ketepikan)
Gunakan minyak menggoreng paru tadi (sedikit sahaja) & tumis bawang besar & bahan tumbuk sebentar. Masukkan paru yang telah digoreng tadi & gaul rata Masukkan asam gelugur & serbuk perasa. Tunggu sehingga bawang layu & cili agak garing baru tutup api. -(Sliced beef lungs and fried till crispy and put aside. Using the same oil but just a bit for stir frying sliced onions and blended ingredients. Add in sliced beef lungs and stir till incorporated. Add in slice tamarind slice and msg.When the onions and blended ingredients has soften turn off heat.)

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