Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rojak Petis

The mee siam goes very well with this rojak petis..this time I used the more 'pungent' shrimp paste to get that umph taste...the amount please adjust to preference ya, either the spiciness, the sweetness and the sourness...hehe
For me I still crushed some bird eyes chillies to give myself a temporary deafness to my ears..hehe

Rojak Petis
Tried & Tested:-Ayu@curlybabesatisfaction

Bahan2 utk (1-2 org)(1-2 pax)
Bahan A-(Ingredients A)
sengkuang-(yam bean)
epal hijau-(green apple)
bunga kantan (optional)-(red ginger plant bud-optional)
kangkong - dicelur sbentar-(kangkong blanched)
taugeh - dicelur sbentar-(bean sprout blanched)

Bahan B
(Ingredients B)

2 sudu besar petis-(tbsp shrimp paste-hakue?)
1½-2 sudu besar gula pasir-(tbsp sugar)
1 sudu besar gula hitam-(tbsp palm sugar)
cili kisar - ikut kepedasan masing²-(chili paste up to preference)
sedikit belacan yg dibakar-(a bit of grilled dried shrimp paste)
sedikit air asam pekat-(some tamarind juice)
garam jika perlu-(salt if necessary)
kacang tanah - digoreng dan ditumbuk kasar-(grounded groundnut)

Masukkan petis, cili kisar, gula pasir, gula hitam dlm sebuah bekas. kacau hingga gula pasir hancur. Setelah gula hancur, tambahkan air asam. kacau rata. masukkan sedikit kacang. digaul lagi. Hiris bahan² A kedalam no.2 tadi. Gaul rata.
Bolehla dihidangkan. taburlah sedikit kacang tumbuk di atas rojak itu tadi. seeloknya makan serta merta utk mengelakkan drpd berair.
***i guna bekas biase sbb takde bekas khas utk menggaul rojak. rojak nie terpulang pade citarase masing². bleh ditambah atau dikurangkan bahan² nye.-(Mix shrimp paste, chili paste, sugar, palm sugar in a container. Stir till sugar dissolves. Add in tamarind juice and stir. Add in groundnut bit by bit. Suits to taste, mix ingredients A well. Serve immediately to prevent the rojak to be watery. Sprinkle some grounded groundnut on top of rojak.)

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