Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Daging Masak Korma

The beef korma was for those who preferred rice then the noodles...especially my dad who must find rice no matter what happens...anyway, it is also for our dinner tonight as the mee siam covered for lunch only...

200g Daging- (beef )
3 tbsp Rempah kurma dicampur dengan sedikit air-(kurma powder mix w/water to make paste)
2 Bawang putih dipotong halus -(garlics)
1 Bawang besar dipotong bulat -(large onion sliced rings)
1 Bawang besar dibelah 4 -( large onion quartered )
1 inch Halia dipotong halus- ( ginger )
1 Ubi kentang dipotong 4 -(potato quartered )
2 Cili hijau (green chillies )
4 cups santan (coconut milk )
1 cup Air ( water )
Garam &msg (salt and msg to taste)
Minyak untuk menumis (oil for frying)

Method:-Panaskan minyak dalam periuk.Tumis bawang putih hingga wangi diikuti dengan bawang besar. Biar hingga layu.Masukkan halia dan rempah kurma. Tumis hingga pecah minyak.Masukkan daging. Kacau sebentar.Masukkan air. Tutup periuk. Biar mendidih hingga kuah kering sedikit dan pecah minyak.Masukkan santan, kentang, bawang besar dan garam. Masak hingga kentang dan daging empuk.Kacau sekali-sekala untuk mengelakkan santan berketul.Masukkan cili hijau.Biar mendidih hingga cili layu, dan hidang.-(Heat oil and saute garlics till fragrant followed by large onion(rings). Let it till soft. Add in ginger and kurma powder and let it till oil rises up the surface. Add in beef. Stir, and add in water. Cover lid. Let it cook till a bit dry and oil rises up. Add in coconut milk, potatoes, large onion(quartered) and salt. Cook till beef and potatoes are soften. Stir occasionally so as the coconut milk do not cuddle. Add in green chillies. Let it boils till chillies are soft, then serve.)

1 comment:

  1. hmmm yummy .. I really like this food looks so delicious .. .. I want to try it


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