Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sambal Kicap Ayam

A slightly different from the normal black sauce chicken..this time a combination of sambal tumis ayam and ayam masak kicap..married them together and you get this sambal kicap ayam...

500 gm ayam-(chicken)
1 batang serai diketuk-( lemon grass bruised)
5 helai daun limau purut [koyakkan]- (kaffir leaves shredded)
3 s/b sos tomato-( tbsp tomato sauce)

5 s/b kicap-( tbsp dark soy sauce)
garam [jika perlu]-(salt if necessary)

Bahan Mesin Blended ingredients:-
20 tangkai cili kering-(dried chillies)
5 ulas bawang merah-(shallots)
1 labu bawang besar-(large onion)
3 ulas bawang putih-(garlics)
2 cm halia-(ginger)
1/2 cawan air-(cup water)

Ayam dibuangkan kulit dan potong kecil. Basuh dan toskan.
Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan mesin dengan serai sehingga wangi dan garing.Masukkan ayam dan kacau. Biarkan sehingga ayam lembut dan naik minyak . Masukkan daun limau purut, sos tomato dan kicap. Masakkan sehingga naik minyak.Hidangkan-(peel off chicken skin and cut to small preference. Wash, clean and drain. Heat oil and saute blended ingredients and lemon grass till fragrant. Add in chicken and stir well. Let it simmer till chicken are cooked and oil rises up the surface. Add in kaffir leaves, tomato sauce and dark soy sauce. Cook till oil rises up the surface. Ready)
Sources:-From Hanieliza.blogspot.com


  1. dah try dah.. best gile n bahan2 yg digunakan pun simple. hopefully ade lagi resepi2 yg best=)

  2. oh lagi satu lagi sya gune 2 biji limau perah sbb tak tau daun limau tu ape. tp alhamdulillah outcome dia sdp la.

  3. Anonymous - thanks sudi cuba, dan kena dgn selera..harap begitulah ya..
    daun limau tu daun dari pokok limau yang selalu kita buat tomyam ada letak daun tu..


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