Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ubi Rebus & Sambal Tumbuk Ikan

Boiled soft cassava again for breakfast..dipped in this 'Sambal Tumbuk Ikan'.. balance from yesterday's fried fishes. So sayang if were to throw away..cause overnight fried fishes will just sit on my kitchen table and nobody will bother to look..came across this recipe long ago, and that struck me to do this sambal ...within minutes the sambal was cleaned..

Beberapa ekor ikan goreng semalaman, ambil isinya-(a few leftovers fried fishes, peel off the meat)
1 biji bawang putih-(garlic)
5/6 batang lada merah hidup, dipatah2-( red chillies-I used bird eyes chillies as usual..hehe)
1 biji limau kasturi-( lime juice)
Sedikit garam, jika perlu-( a bit of salt if necessary)

1. Tumbuk bawang putih & lada merah (boleh lebihkan pada yg kuat pedas) hingga separuh lumat.-(ground garlic,red chillies)
2. Tambahkan isi ikan goreng tadi & tumbuk lagi hingga semua bahan sebati.-(add fish meat and ground again)
3. Akhir sekali perahkan air limau kasturi & bubuh garam, jika suka & gaul rata2kan.-(lastly squeeze lime juice and add in salt if necessary and mix well.)
4. Sambalan ini saya lawankan dengan nasi panas2 & lauk lemak tahu.-(this dish is suitable to wat with warm rice and lemak tauhu dish)
Sources:-From myperiukbelanga.blogspot.com

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