Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sausage Breads

Sausage bread requested by Iqram...no mayonise, no chili sauce and no mix veggies just plain sausage he said..OKlah! I said as long you finish up all the bread OK. Also the not so 'gebus' bread..

480g High protein Flour-(tepung roti)
120g superfine Flour-(tepung halus-top flour /hong kong flour)
110g Castor sugar-(gula castor)
20g milk powder -( susu tepung)
4 tsp dry yeast-(4 sudu kecil yis)
1 tsp bread improver (optional)
1 Egg (lightly beaten)-( telur kocok sikit)
300 ml cold water-( air sejuk)
mix together this two-(dicampurkan kedua dua ini)
80g shortening-(lemak sayuran)
salt 10g-(garam)

Mix (A) till blended (just use spoon to stir to mix). Add (B) to form a dough. Add in (C) and knead until dough is elastic and smooth(at least knead for 10-15 minutes to pass the stretch test).Gather dough to form a ball and cover dough with cling wrap and let it rest for abt 50-60 mins or double size.( For me, I use breadmaker so I put everything in and let the machine do the rest).Punch down dough. Knead for a while.Divide dough into portions of 50-60g each. Shape into balls and leave it to rest for abt 10 mins. Roll out and wrap with desired fillings. Shape as required and let it proof on lined or greased baking tray for another 50-60 mins or until dough is double in size.Egg+milk wash dough. Bake dough at 175 -180c for abt 15 mins or till cook.(depends on oven strength)-(Campur bahan(A), kacau pakai sudu aje. Masukkan bahan (B) untuk jadikan doh. Masukkan (C) dan uli hingga menjadi doh yang licin dan tak melekat ditangan, selama 10-15 minits. Perap doh selama 50-60 minit dan tutup dengan plastic cling wrap. (saya gunakan breadmaker jadi saya masukkan semua bahan2 kedalam mesin pembuat roti dan tunggu hingga mesin siap menguli. Bahagikan doh kepada 50-60 g. Terpulang pada anda roti pattern apa yang nak di buat. Selepas menguli, biarkan lagi roti naik selama 50-60 minit.Sapukan dengan campuran telur dan susu segar dan bakar pada suhu 175-180C selama 15 minit atau hingga masak.)
Sources:-From resipidiana.blogspot.com

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