Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chocolate Buttercream Rolls

Made this time with chocolate buttercream, again using the leftovers buttercream from the other day's buttermilk cake...the yeast that I used wasnt 'working' very well..although the expiry date was next year...a few times I kena like this...the last time was my dougnut..both bought from Phoon Huat..ish..ish..nak kena ban macam ni...

Saw this the other day also at Kak Watie's blog...Jealous of her nicely done rolls...ever made this before but the last time the rolls just went off the tubes and there goes my rolls...so this time after I rolled the dough along the tubes, I place them in the fridge so that the dough wont rise anymore till I want to bake it then I brought it out..(at least 10 minutes inside the fridge)...Anyway original idea was from Yani@myresipi.com.. the recipe for this is the same as the sausage bread- (Sweet Bun Dough)...only the steps of making the rolls are different.

Masukkan semua bahan-bahan untuk buat roti ke dalam breadmaker. Pilih menu utk buat doh. ON. Bila dah siap. Tumbuk-tumbuk untuk keluarkan angin. Bahagikan kepada 8 bahagian. Buat bentuk bulat. Rehatkan selama 10-15 minit. Sementara tu, sediakan krim. Pukul semua bahan-bahan untuk krim sehingga jadi krim yg lembut. Simpan dalam peti sejuk sehingga nak digunakan. Ambik sebiji doh. Uli panjang 32-33cm. Kemudian lilit pada cornet. Buat sampai habis. Bakar dengan suhu 180C selama 15 minit. Kemudian sejukkan.
Bila roti dah sejuk. Bolehlah paipkan krim ke dalamnya. Hiaskan dengan coklat rice.-(Add all the ingredients into bread maker. Set the setting to 'dough' and On it. When ready, punch down dough to release the air. Divide to preferences sizes. Knead to small balls. Let it rest for 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile prepare your cream. Take one dough and knead to form a 32-33cm long. Wrap the dough against the tubes. Do this till finish. Bake at 180C for 15 minutes. Let cool and pipe in cream into holes.)


  1. Hrm......I like...malangnya...tepung roti lak dah habis.....makan benda lainlah pulak!!!

  2. Salam kak Ayu,
    uhuk...kak Ayu...! saya suka loti cenggini. krim2 dia sedap!

  3. alamak aaiii terujanya tengok roti ni....nak seketoiiiii..

  4. watierman - cepat kak, go and top up ur bread flour stock..sementara tu help yourself dengan apa yg ada kat sini ajelah..hehe

    indahhouse - walkslm, hahah..anak k ayu pun suka cream nya aje rotinya dia kasi k ayu..wakaka..

    E-na - boleh capailah kat monitor tu, ena..itu ajelah yg tinggal..haha

  5. Hi salam ms ayu, yri
    delbread n cream look so sedap..is it possible to share yr good choco cream. Tqsm n warmest rgds.



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