Friday, November 20, 2009

Sweet Potato Donuts

Asked for Hana's permission to print and try out this recipe yesterday..I told her if I buat jadi then I will post in my today's entry, if not buat bodoh saja..hehehe..So I tried yesterday night using the mixer.... memang pun mixture dia ada lembik sikit, but I added flour bit by bit till the dough didnt stick to the mixer bowl...lama jugak in the mixing bowl sampai my mum tanya, kau buat apa ni? lamanya kau putar....hehe I told her buat donut pakai keledek..apa2 pun Hana, here is my donut, jadi sebab tu masuk entry hari can see her version of using the pumpkin di blog Hana Japan. Thank you ya Hana for sharing this recipe.

320 grams flour (a bit more if the dough is too sticky)-( tepung gandum)-(tambahkan tepung sikit kalau doh melekat)
2 tsp yeast-(yis)
1/2 tsp salt-(garam)
150 grms mashed sweet potatoes-(keledek dilecek)
2 tbsp sugar-(gula)
30 grms butter-(mentega)
100 ml water-(air)

For coating
Some sugar or cinnamon sugar-(gula untuk disaluti)


In a large mixing bowl mix all the ingredients together and knead for about 6-7 minutes until you get nice smooth dough. Add some extra flour if it’s so sticky. Cover the bowl with a dry kitchen towel and let it rise for an hour or double it size at a warm place.-(Masukkan semua bahan kedalam mangkuk dan uli selama 6-7 minit sampai jadi doh yang lembut.(saya gunakan mixer putar sampai tak melekat-dlm 30 minit!) Masukkan tepung kalau melekat. Tutup mangkuk mixer dengan tuala kering dan biarkan doh naik sampai 2x ganda.)
Punch down the dough and remove onto a floured work tabletop. Roll out the dough to about 1/4" thick and cut the dough out into rounds with a donuts cutter. Gather the snaps and re-roll, then cut out more donuts.-( Tumbuk2 doh dan alihkan keatas meja adunan. Gelek doh untuk mendapatkan 1/4" tebal dan terapkan menggunakan kan doh cutter)

Place donuts on parchment paper,cover and let rise for 20 minutes or until they feel light and spongy.-(Letakkan donut diatas kertas kalis minyak dan tutup. Biarkan ia selama 20 minit atau sehingga ia beras ringan dan lembut seperti span.)

Heat oil for deep-frying in a frying pan over medium heat. Slip a few donuts into the oil at a time, leaving enough room for them to expand. Make sure that the oil is not too hot otherwise the donuts will not be cooked.-(Goreng donut menggunaka api sedang dan jangan menggunakan api besar kerana donut cepat hangus dan ditakuti ia tidak masak didalam.)

When the donuts are golden brown, turn them over and cook the other side. It takes about 2–3 minutes to cook through. When donuts are done, remove from oil and drain the oil on paper towels before rolling them in sugar.-(Bila donut sudah berwarna kekuningan, terbalikkan dan goreng disebelahnya pula. Ia mengambil masa kira-kira 2-3 minit untuk dimasak. Angkat dan toskan. Lumurkan dengan gula.)


  1. Wah labu dah tukar jadi ubi....bila tiba kat singapore..agaknya kalau sampai Penang jadi apa...baja tak???uish...apa ni....jgn marah ye Ayu!!lalalalala suka nya hati dapat makan donut free....

  2. tahniah kak menjadi jugak akhirnya! kita plak gune BM! hahaha... hubby pong tnya awat dh setengah jam tk brenti2 lg! kikikiki...


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