Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sambal Goreng Kicap

I cooked this dish way before the holidays.. got the recipe from my sis in law, who is a Javanese. Normally when there's a feast for some prayers, her side will cook this.. considered as a compulsary menu gitu..sometimes they add petai(stinky bean) and tempe(fermented soya bean cake) to it..anyway I cooked based on what available in the fridge and the petai definitely not for me..hehe

*2 keping tauhu dipotong dadu dan digoreng, ketepikan-(hard beancurd diced, fried, put aside)
*5 ketul pedal ayam direbus sekejap dan dihiris nipis dan digoreng, ketepikan-( chicken gizzards put to boil for a while, sliced and fried, put aside)
*3 biji kentang dipotong dadu dan digoreng, ketepikan-(potatoes diced, fried and put aside)
1 paket fucuk digunting kecil dan rendam hingga lembut-(1 packet dried soya stick soaked till soft)
1 ikat kecil soo hoon direndam hingga lembut-(1 small soohonn soaked till soft)
10 ekor udang kecil dibuang kulitnya-(10 small prawns deshelled)
cili padi terpulang kepedasan,-(bird eyes chillies according to preference)
1/2 inci halia dihiris nipis-(1/2 inh ginger sliced thinly)
1 biji bawang besar dihiris nipis-(1 large onion sliced thinly)
3 biji bawang putih dihirs nipis-(garlics sliced thinly)
5 sudu besar kicap masin-(tbsp black soy sauce)
4 sudu besar kicap manis-(sweet soy sauce)
air asam jawa dan sedikit belacan-(some tamarind juice and some belacan)

Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang putih, bawang besar, cili padi dan halia hingga layu. Masukkan udang dan kacau hingga setengah masak. Masukkan fucuk dan soo hoon dan gaul rata. Masukkan tauhu, pedal dan kentang yang dah digoreng sebelumnya dan kacau rata. Masukkan kicap manis, masin, air asam jawa dan belacan. Rasa mana yg kurang, mesti ada manis, masam, masin dan pedas. Kacau hingga sebati dan tutup api. -(Heat oil and saute sliced garlics, onions, bird eyes chillies and ginger till soft). Add in prawns and stir till 3/4 cooked. Add in dried soya stick, soo hoon and stir well. Add in *beancurd, *chicken gizzards and *potatoes which has been fried earlier and stir well. Add in black, sweet soya sauce, tamarind juice and some shrimp paste. Taste to preference what needed. It should taste, a bit sweet, sour, salty and hot slightly. Stir till incorporated and turn off heat.)

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