Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Kari Ayam Kerisek

Salam, haisshhh!!..I guessed most of you already got bored looking at the holidays pictures right?..hehehe...sorrylah...been very busy lately, with the 'spring cleaning' still going on,with Mr Hubby was around at least most of the time and the preparations for the kids before school reopen this coming Monday...I think I am 'sleep under nourishment'(not enough sleep), got such word ke?kiki....almost every night for the past one week I slept at 2am and got up early in the morning, about 4 hours lacking from the normal 8 hrs...anyway, today's entries are actually those that I cooked before the holidays and termiss to be put up here..

Original recipe was to used beef but I changed to chicken..

Ingredients:-1 ekor ayam dipotong ikut suka-(1 whole chicken cut to preference)
2 sb cili kisar-( tbsp chili paste)

1 biji bawang besar *-( large onion)
4 ulas bawang putih*-(garlics)
1/2 jari halia*-( 1/2 thumb size ginger)

4-5 sb rempah kari daging -dicampur sedikit air dan jadikan pes-(tbsp meat curry powder, mixed with a bit of water to form paste)
1 batang serai dititik-(lemon grass bruised)
2 lembar daun kari-( 2 sprigs of curry leaves)
sedikit kayu manis, cengkih, pelaga(penumis)-(a bit of cinammon, cardamon, cloves)
3 biji kentang -dibelah 4-(3 potatoes quartered)
3 biji tomato dibelah 4-(2-3 tomatoes quartered)
2 batang lada hijau dibelah 2-(2 green chillies halved)
1/2 cawan kerisik-(1/2 cup toasted coconut)
1 keping asam gelugur-(1 dried tamarind slice)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
minyak menumis-(oil for saute)
1/2 biji bawang dihiris-(1/2 large onion sliced)
2 ulas bawang putih dihiris-(2 garlics sliced)
air secukupnya untuk kuah-(water for gravy to estimate)


1. kisar bahan2 bertanda * dan campurkan bersama cili kisar.
2. Panaskan minyak dlm periuk dan tumis bwg besar dan bawang putih yang dihiris juga daun kari hingga layu dan masukkan campuran bahan kisar, penumis dan serai dan terus tumis hingga kering lalu masukkan pes rempah kari dan tumis hingga wangi dan terbit minyak
3. Masukkan ayam dan juga kentang. Bubuh garam,asam gelusur, kerisik, kacau rata dan masak hingga mendidih. Tambah air jika perlu dan masak lagi biar mendidih dan kentang empuk.
4. Kecilkan api dan masukkan cili hijau dan tomato. Renihkan lagi 10-15 min. Siap untuk hidangan.-(Blend *ingredients and mix with chili paste. Heat oil and saute sliced onions, garlics and curry leaves till soft. Add in blended ingredients, spices, lemon grass and stir well. Add in curry powder paste and saute till frangrant and oil rises up the surface. Add in chicken and potatoes. Add in slat, tamarind slice, toasted coconut and stir well till bubbling. Add in water if necessary and cook till potatoes are soft. Lower the heat and add in green chillies and tomatoes. Let it simmer for another 10-15 minutes. Ready)
Sources:-From kakfida@myresipi.com

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kak Ayu..hru doing there! Lack of sleeps ke kak? aisey..

    Anyways, ur Kari Ayam Kerisik akak really tempting! Uish...gimme some!!! :)


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