Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Siput Buluh Goreng Halia

Razor clams fried with ginger...really really very very sleepy....

1 kg razor clams(original recipe using lala)-(siput buluh)
*3cm ginger minced-(halia kisar)
*1 garlic-(bawang putih)
*2 shallots minced-(bawang merah)
3 tbsp chili paste -(chili kisar)
1 large onions cut in rings-(bawang besar potong bulat)
2 cm dried tamarind pulp-(asam keping)
some water-(sedikit air)
salt and MSG to taste-(garam dan serbuk perasa)

Heat oil and saute *blended ingredients till fragrant. Add in chili paste and stir well. Add in razor clams, dried tamarind pulp and stir till incorporated.Add in some water so that the razor clams will cook.Lastly add in ring onions, salt and MSG to taste. Ready-(Panaskan minyak dan tumis *bahan kisar hingga naik bau. Masukkan chili kisar dan gaul rata. Masukkan siput buluh , asam keping dan gaul hingga sekata. Masukkan air sikit untuk masakkan nya. Akhir sekali masukkan bawang yg dipotong bulat tadi, garam dan serbuk perasa. Siap)

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