Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin Thai Style

Our breakfast this I am really, really, really, very, very the time I finished this entry its already 2 30 am!!! to wake up early later..huhu..

Ingredients:-(2 pax)

3 mangkuk nasi-(3 bowl of rice)
1/2 labu bawang besar dihiris-(1/2 large onion sliced)
2 ulas bawang putih di ketuk-(garlics crushed)
8 biji cili padi diketuk-(bird eyes chillies)
Ikan tenggiri masin sebesar 2 jari dipotong kecil.-(salted spanish mackerel the size of 2 thumbs sliced to small pieces)
2 sb sos tiram-(tbsp oyster sauce)
1 sb nampla (sos ikan)-(tbsp fish sauce)
2 helai kailan-(2 slice of kailan)
1 btg kacang panjang dipotong kecil-(1 long beans sliced small)
lobak merah di potong kecil-(carrots sliced small)
sedikit garam (tu pun kalau sos tiram tak masin)-(a bit of salt if the oyster sauce not salty enough.

Tumis ikan masin, tekan2 sikit dgn sudip biar dia hancur sikit2.
Bila ikan masin nak garing masukkan bwg besar, bwg putih n cili padi. Tumis sampai naik bau masukkan sos tiram n nampla.
Masukkan kacang panjang, lobak merah n nasi gaul rata. boleh letak garam sikit kalau sos tiram tu tak masin.Bila nasi dah nak masak baru letak kailan. Siap utuk dimakan...-(Saute salted fish and mash it slightly. When the fish has turn slightly crispy, add in large onions, garlics and bird eyes chillies. Saute till fragrant and add in oyster sauce and fish sauce. Add in long beans, carrots and rice. Stir well. You can add some salt if the oyster sauce is not too salty. When rice are almost cooked, add in kailan. ready to serve.)

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