Monday, January 25, 2010

Apam Jepun - Dorayaki

A few already tried this... Made for breakfast this morning...I blended the ingredients yesterday night before going to bed...this morning, bake them in the muffins trays cause I dont have the moulds like KakAmFlora used for hers....saw in Kak Asma blog, also baked in muffin I did the same thing..hehe.. you can also see another version at Hana's....As I was lazy to boil the red beans...I used Nutella filling instead ...SEDAAP!!!.....the taste is there!!!...
25g mentega-(butter)
75g gula-( sugar)
250g tepung gandum-(plain flour)
2 biji telur-(eggs)
300ml air(dimasak dgn 6 helai daun pandan)-sejukkan-(water boiled with 6 pandan leaves)-leave to cool
1/2 sudu besar yis mauripan(dibancuh & dikacau dgn sedikit air)-(1/2 tbsp yeast-mixed with some water)
1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat-( 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda)
1/2 sudu teh garam-( 1/2 tsp salt)
sedikit pewarna kuning-( some yellow colourings)

Telur & gula dipukul sebentar, kemudian masukkan butter dan pukul lagi. Masukkan tepung, air, yis, garam, bikarbonat & pewarna-pukul lagi hingga kembang dan sebati. (masukkan dalam blender jer). Acuan disapukan dengan sedikit minyak. Ambil 1 sudu makan adunan lalu dituangkan dalam acuan- agak2 nampak keluar gelembung terus masukkan sedikit inti kacang. Kemudian tuangkan lagi dengan lagi adunan sehingga penuh acuan. Biarkan masak hingga kekuningan dan bolehlah diangkat. -(Beat eggs and sugar for awhile. Add in butter and beat again. Add in flour, water, yeast, salt, bicarbonate of soda & colouring and beat again till fluffy and creamy. (just put everyhting in blender easier). Grease some oil to moulds. Add in 1 spoonful of mixture. When mixture has 'rise' add in filling. Add another spoonful of mixture to cover. Let it cook till yellowish and ready.)

Inti kacang Merah:- (Red Bean filling)
300g kacang merah-(direbus sehingga empuk)-(red bean -boiled till soft)
150g gula-(sugar) 100g gula tanjung(gula warna oren)-(orange sugar)
4 helai daun pandan-(pandan leaves)


Kacang direbus dengan daun pandan hingga empuk. Dilecekkan halus dan masukkan gula kemudian dimasak hingga pekat-sejukkan.-(Red bean boiled with pandan leaves till soft. Mashed up red beans and add in sugar and cook till thickens. let to cool.)


  1. Terasa kesedapan nya sehingga ke Penang!!! I miss you dear!

  2. Watierman - Miss u too kak...cubalah sedap tau..

  3. Salam kak ayu..kite nak bikin dorayaki yg cara ni plak..nampak best.. :)

  4. Salam ayu, kak t nak tanya u bakar kue ni atas dapur atau pun oven. Thought of making form my cucu.


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