Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Penang Laksa

Since I came back from Penang, the other day...I have been dreaming of Penang Laksa..hehe...still can feel the 'sourness' of the gravy at the side of my tongue...surf the net and got a few recipes and versions of Penang Laksa..ermmm cant decide which one..I guessed the difference are in the sourness and hotness of the gravy and the garnishings preferred...

Decided on this one as it tells the steps and procedures...and of course the ingredients used..I think I follow exactly what required only that I dont have mint leaves in my stock..so I missed that..else wise I think I've got it..(no more drooling thinking of Penang Laksa)...

600g laksa noodles -scald in hot water and drain-(mee laksa dicelur dalam air panas dan toskan)

1 kg flaked ikan kembong or ikan parang-( isi ikan kembung atau ikan parang)
some salt-(garam)
2000ml water-(air)

Spices to grind finely:-(bahan kisar)
6-7 fresh chillies-(cili merah)
4-5 dried chillies-(cili kering)
1 small piece galangal-(lengkuas)
2 cm fresh turmeric-(kunyit hidup)
20 shallots-(bawang merah)
2 cloves of garlics-(bawang putih)
6 candlenuts-(I put only 3)-(buah keras saya letak 3 saja)

5 stalks laksa leaves-(daun kesum)
1 red ginger plant bud, cut lengthwise-(bunga siantan)
5-4 stalks lemon grass bruised-( 5-4 serai di titik)

Mix and strain:-
50g tamarind pulp-(asam jawa)
250ml water-(air)
4 pieces dried tamarind slice( I put 7) -(4 asam keping-saya letak 7)
1 tbsp maggi belacan powder-(belacan bakar pun boleh)
salt and msg to taste-(garam & perasa secukupnya)

(D) Garnishing , slice thinly:-(bahan hiasan dihiris nipis)
100g pineapple-(nenas)
1 cucumber-(timun)
2 red ginger plant bud-(bunga siantan)
3 red chillies-(lada merah)
2 big onions-(bawang besar)
200g lettuce - ( daun selada)
mint leaves-(daun pudina)
enough sticky black prawn paste(heiko)- dissolve in a little hot water-(sedikit petis dicampurkan dengan air panas)

Boil fishes with the water. When fish are cooked, remove it from the stock and flake it. Leave water(fish stock) in the pot. Add (B) and (C) in the fish stock and simmer until it reaches the desired consistency. Put in flaked fish meat and keep the laksa gravy over a moderate heat. Put laksa noodles into serving bowls. Spoon the laksa gravy over and garnish with (D). Serve hot with a little prawns paste.-(Rebus(A) ikan didalam air . Bila sudah masak , angkat dan toskan ambil isinya dan kisar halus. Biarkan air rebusan ikan tadi, masukkan bahan (B) dan (C) kedalam, dan renehkan hingga kepekatan yang dikehendaki. Masukkan isi ikan tadi dan masak diatas api sederhana. Hidangkan mee laksa dalam mangkuk, tuangkan kuahnya dan hiaskan dengan bahan hiasan. Hidangkan panas dengan sedikit air petis.)
Sources:-From kuali.com


  1. sampai termimpi kak? kita mimpi laksa johor... heheh

  2. Dah cun tu Ayu....memang orang Penang pun kalah!..Akak teringat laksa Ayu tu..nak kena gi sana lah pulak!

  3. kucingorengemok - aah you!!..tidur sampai meleleh air liur basi..hahaha cis..ngotor aje kan..

    watierman - pergi kak..sedap laksa kat situ..murah lagi..nasi campur yg depan kedai dia pun sedap..rasa naka pergi penang lagi tau..


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