Friday, January 22, 2010

Croissant Puffs

Croissant puffs??..ada ke?..hehehe...saja want to test out, other than the prata puff I made the other the idea from here, which originally for bread, but my itchy hands use the instant puff for this...,for the filling still use CMG's recipe ..

Ingredients for filling:-(Bahan untuk Inti)
2 potatoes peeled and diced-(2 biji kentang di kupas, dan didadu)
3-4 button mushroom diced(I used the canned ones)-(3 kuntum cendawan butang, didadu)
1/2 cup beef/chicken cut small*(I boiled first)-(1/2 cawan daging lembu/ayam, dipotong kecil2)
1/2 tsp black pepper powder * (*mixed and leave it for 10 minutes)-(1/2 camca teh serbuk lada*(disatukan dan perap 10 minit)
1/2 cup milk/coconut milk-(1/2 sawan susu/santan)
2 tsp meat curry powder-(2 camca teh serbuk kari daging)
1 tsp light soy sauce-(1 camca teh kicap cair)
1 tsp sugar-(1 camca teh gula)
1 big onion diced-(1 biji bawang besar, didadu)
2 cloves of garlics sliced thinly-(2 ulas bawang putih, dihiris halus)
1 inch ginger minced-(1 inci halia, dicincang halus)
(I added, a little bit of salt and MSG to taste)-(saya masukkan sedikit garam dan sedikit perasa)

For Filling:- Heat 2 tbsp of oil, saute ginger and garlics till fragrant, and add in mushrooms and stir well. Add in onions and curry powder. Stir well.
Add in beef and some water, and let it a while till cook then add in potatoes and milk. When boiled, add in sugar and light soy sauce.Cook till the potatoes has soften and the mixture has almost thicken but moist.-(Panaskan 2 camca besar minyak, tumis halia dan bawang putih hingga harum, masukkan cendawan dan goreng hingga wangi. Masukkan bawang besar dan serbuk kari. Kacau rata. Masukkan daging dan sedikit air, masak hingga daging empuk dan masukkan kentang dan santan/susu. Bila mendidih, perasakan dengan gula dan kicap cair. Masak hingga kentang empuk dan inti kering tapi masih lembab.)
Sources:- From

Do it till finish and brush surface with egg yolk and bake at 175C degrees, for 20-25 minutes.
-(Buat hingga siap dan sapu permukaan croissant puff dengan kuning telur dan bakar pada suhu 175C, selama 20-25 minit.)

Half way while baking, suddenly it crossed my mind that I forgot to snap before going into the oven..Quickly got my camera and shoot..hehe


  1. OMG, ur croissant puffs looks yummy lor kak!!! I want some pls...hehee :)

  2. wow, creatif idea... give me 2 boley?

  3. love2cook - alah love biasa aje lah..main2 dengan instant puff..hahah..kalau love nak self service ya..hehe

    HomeKreation - alahai..along, malu ni..kita main2 aje buat tu..I give you 10 pun boleh 2 sikit sangat tu..haha


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