Monday, January 25, 2010

Telur Masak Lemak Dhal

Repeat telecast...needs gravy dish so made this...


2 handfuls of dhal soaked-(2 genggam kacang dhal direndam)
1-2 potatoes cut to preferences-(1-2 kentang dipotong ikut suka)
3-4 eggs-(3-4 biji telur)
3-4 dried chillies using scissors snip thinly-(3-4 cili kering digunting halus)
1 big onion sliced thinly-(1 biji bawbang besar dihiris halus)
2 garlics sliced thinly-(2 bawnag putih dihiris halus)
2-3 stalk curry leaves-(2-3 batang daun kari)
1 tsp mustard seeds-(1 sudu teh biji sawi)
a few slices of ginger-(beberapa hirisan halia)
some coconut milk-(santan )
1-2 tsp turmeric powder-(1-2 sudu teh kunyit serbuk)
salt and MSG to taste-(garam dan perasa secukupnya)
water for boiling to estimate-(air ikut suka)
oil for saute-(minyak untuk menumis)

Boil dhal in water when 3/4 cooked add in potatoes and boil till soft. Meanwhile in another wok, heat oil and stir fry onions, garlics, ginger, dried chillies, mustard seeds, turmeric powder and curry leaves till fragrant. In the pan that boils the potatoes and dhall, making sure the amount of water preferred is enough, add in the coconut milk. Let it simmer for a while. In the other wok, once the stir fried ingredients are ready pour the mixture into the dhall pan and stir well. Add in salt and MSG to taste. Break the eggs one by one and let it cook for a while. Do not stir too much as it will make the eggs separated to pieces.Turn off heat.Ready.-(Rebus kacang dhal yang telah direndam dalam air(berapa banyak terpulang). Bila 3/4 masak masukkan kentang dan rebus hingga empuk. Dalam kuali yang lain, panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang besar, bawng putih, halia. cili kering, biji sawi, kunyit serbuk dan daun kari hingga naik bau. Sementara itu, dalam periuk yang merebus kentang dan kacang dhal tadi, pastikan air untuk kuah sudah memadai, masukkan santan. Biarkan ia reneh seketika. Bila bahan tumis sudah sedia masukkan terus ke dalam kuah dhal tadi. Perasakn dengan garam dan serbuk perasa. Pecahkan telur satu persatu dan biarkan ia masak. Jangan terlalu dikacau takut telur hancur. Bila sudah masak tutup api dan hidangkan.)

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