Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Kerabu Mangga & Epal Hijau

When we were in Penang the other time... Mr Hubby was attracted to a 'kerabu mangga' dish that was served when we ate the 'nasi campur at Persiaran Gurney.. he said the menu is very nice... I told him I have the recipe for that which I remembered I've got it from dapur lama Ijan's Finland ....

Got all the ingredients needed, so I made this not to eat with rice but just for snacking!!..mum who has a poor appetite sample a bit of those, well at least she can eat this just to clear off her 'bitter' taste appetite..Thank you Ijan akak minta izin letakkan the recipe here pula ya..

1 biji mangga muda, dihiris-(1 young green mango sliced- I shredded)
1 biji epal hijau-(green apple sliced)
1 biji cili merah dihiris-(red chili sliced)
5 biji cili api dihiris-(bird eyes chillies sliced)
3 ulas bawang merah, dihiris-( shallots sliced)
1 labu bawang besar saiz sederhana, dihiris-( large onion medium size sliced)
sos ikan-(fish sauce)
perahan asam limau nipis - tak perlu kalau mangga dah masam-(no need lime juice- if the mango already sour)

Sediakan semua bahan, campurkan didalam mangkuk besar. Masukkan sos ikan dan gula secukup rasa. Berhati hati masukkan sos ikan sebab sos ini dah agak masin. Sedia untuk dihidang.(Saya biarkan dalam peti as sebentar sebelum me) -(Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Add in fish sauce and sugar to taste. Be careful not to over add as the fish sauce already salty. Ready to be serve) -I put in the fridge for a while before serving.
Sources:-From Ijan

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