Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Kerutup Sotong

The original recipe was from Kak Hanieliza and to use beef, but was 'diversified' by Kak Muza in changing the main ingredients to squids.. the Kerutup Powder, which I've got from JB, I used for this dish..although it says for 'chicken and beef'..hehehe..

It could be categorize under 'Rendang', as it taste slightly like that...Although the recipe recommended to eat this with Nasi Tomato or Minyak, I just serve it with plain white rice..pun ok below is the recipe that I 've edited which you can change it to beef and just add 1 inch cinammon stick when saute...


1 kg sotong-( 1kg squids)
3 cawan santan-(3 cups coconut milk)
3 sudu besar kerisik-(3 tbsp toasted coconut crumbs)
3 sudu besar kerutup powder -(3 tbsp kerutup powder)
2 sudu besar gula merah-(2 tbsp palm sugar)
3 sudu besar minyak-(3 tbsp oil)
1/2 cawan air asam jawa-(1/2 cup tamarind juice)

Bahan2 Kisar:- (Blended ingredients)
15 tangkai cili kering-(15 dried chillies)
10 ulas bawang merah-(10 shallots)
3 ulas bawang putih-(3 garlics)
3 cm halia-(3 cm ginger)
3 cm lengkuas-(3 cm galangal)

Basuh dan bersihkan sotong dan toskan. Bancuhkan bahan kisar dengan rempah kerutup. Panaskan minyak dan masukkan bahan kisar yang telah dibancuh tadi. Kacau rata sehingga naik minyak dan wangi. Masukkan sotong dan kacau rata. Masukkan santan, air asam jawa, gula dan garam. Perlahankan api.(Masak sotong sekejap saja dan lepas tu diangkat, biarkan kuahnya kering sedikit , baru diangkat dan curahkan atas sotong tadi.) Biarkan reneh sehingga pekat dan naik minyak semula.-(Wash and drained squids. Mix blended ingredients to kerutup powder. Heat oil and add in blended ingredients + kerutup powder(paste). Stir well till fragrant and oil rises up the surface. Add in squids and mix well. Add in coconut milk, tamarind juice, sugar and salt. Slow down heat. (Make sure not to overcooked the squids, dish out when cooked and let the gravy simmer till a bit thick and pour the gravy on the earlier squids).Let the gravy simmer for a while and oil rises up the surface.
Sources:-From Kak Muza@


  1. Salam kak ayu,
    Hope it's still not late to wish birthday to your Hubby,kak. My Hubby's birthday also in Jan.

    Hm, kerutup sotong nih memang sedap makan ngan nasi minyak. nampak ngancam la. rasa lapar nasi plak. hihi

  2. ada orang kata kerutup, ada orang kata kerutuk/terutuk... sebenarnya yang mana ye?

  3. yg taste like rendang...I like....!!!

  4. Sedapnya kerutup sotong.....boleh cuba nanti....


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