Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Arrowhead Chips

At first saw this in Ann's blog, then in Nor Terengganu's..quite curious jugak when they said it was so nice and 'lemak' when I went to NTUC the other day..ternampak benda ni decided to buy I bought about 10 pcs...and that already cost about S$2.00..the salesgirl who was packing these, quite surprised when she saw me picking up one by one...she asked me 'malay also pandai eat this one kah?'..hehe...

When reached home I showed them to my mum....even she asked me 'apa benda buah ni?'(what fruit is this)..hehehe...I told her as what was noted by Nor, a kind of 'ubi'(tapioca/cassava) species...that afternoon, cleaned the skin and slice them thinly..washed and drained..apa lagi fried them ler...before frying I added some salt ...the taste is HEAVEN!!(As if I've been there ah?..haha) just cant stop eating... before the next batch finished frying the first batch already finished eaten by me...hahaha...thought of buying them again yesterday ...dah habis pulak..if to find them again I will definitely buy them some more!!..

1 comment:

  1. salam k ayu...tak perasan pulak k nor ade letak n3 pasal ni...

    baru2 ni p tesco,trnampak cine kerumun 2 raga besar tu.celah2lah tgk dorang berebut2 pilih2 mende ni...saya dan hubby tertanye2 sesame sendiri, "apakah mendenye ni?"tapi nak tanye kat cine2 tu mcm segan le adelah terdengar seorang cine tu berckap dgn seorang melayu kat situ.dia kate "mcm ubi"...tapi sebab tak tau camne nak menguruskan...saya buat derkkk je la dan berlalu...

    klau tau sedap,nak jugak le merase...kebetulan tghari nak p tesco nak tgk ade lagi tak...


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