Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Sambal Goreng Pengantin

This was Sunday menu actually..since Mr Hubby was at home and this was his favourite...also based on  my version of sambal goreng pengantin ...some may not used beancurd or fermented soya bean or the chicken gizzards..just the beef, lungs and liver. I added my own cause I preferred the beancurd then the rest..hehehe..

Quite 'leceh' to do this dish actually..no wonder the dish was only prepared during .. Hari raya..if you noticed, some blended ingredients are in tbsp this was because I always blended my onions, garlics, ginger and chili paste in advance and store them in containers in the fridge...anyway I just cooked this to be eaten with rice and the kids I just cooked simple dish for them..

ps:-sambal goreng pengantin original tak gunakan tauhu tempe ya, so you can omit those..;)

200g daging direbus, potong dadu, goreng ketepikan(ambil airnya dalam satu mangkuk)-( beef, boiled, diced, fried and put side- take 1 bowl of beef stock)
200g hati lembu direbus, pototng dadu, goreng ketepikan-(beef liver, boiled, diced, fried and put aside)
300g paru direbus, potong dadu, goreng ketepikan-(beef lungs, boiled, diced  fried and put aside)
15 keping empedal rebus, hiris dan goreng-( 15 chicken gizzards boiled, sliced and fried put aside)
2 tauhu potong dadu goreng ketepikan-( beancurd diced, fried and put aside)
2 tempe potong dadu goreng ketepikan-(fermented soya beans diced, fried and put aside)
200g udang goreng ketepikan (terpulang nak kopik kulit atau tidak)-(prawns shelled or deshelled fried and put aside)

3 cili merah dihiris-(red chillies sliced)
3 cili hijau dihirs-(green chillies sliced)
15-20 cili kering direndam dan gunting serong nipis2-(dried chillies soaked and snip thinly w/ scissors)
1 biji bawang besar dihiris nipis-(1 large onion sliced thinly)
2 serai dititik-(lemon grass bruised)

1 sudu besar bawang kisar-(1 tbsp minced onion)
1 sudu kecil bawang putih kisar-(1 tsp minced garlics)
1 sudu besar lengkuas-(1 tbsp minced galangal)
1 sudu besar halia kisar-(1 tbsp minced ginger)
10 sudu besar cili kisar-(10 tbsp cili paste)
1/2 cawan santan pekat-(1/2 cup coconut milk)
2 cawan bawang goreng-(2 cups fried shallots)
3 sudu kecil gula atau secup rasa-(3 tsp sugar or to taste)
air secukupnya-(water to estimate)
garam & amp; serbuk peras secukupnya-( salt and msg to taste)

*1 inci belacan-(*1 inch shrimp paste)
*asam jawa sebesar 1/2 biji telur kecil-(*tamarind pulp size of 1/2 small egg)
*3/4 cawan air-(*3/4 cup water)
(*ramas dan tapis)-(* mix them and strained)

Tumis bawang besar hiris hingga naik bau. Masukkan bahan2 kisar - cili kisar, lengkuas, bawang putih, halia dan serai. Tumis hingga garing. Masukkan air rebusan daging, air asam yang telah diramas dengan belacan tadi, air dan santan. Masukkan gula, garam & serbuk perasa. Kalau nak sambal gorengnya basah  tambah air sikit lagi. Kacau, dan masukkan bahan2 yang telah digoreng tadi. Gaul rata. Rasa apa yang kurang. Masukkan cili hiris, cili kering yang digunting dan bawang goreng. Gaul lagi hingga sekata. Siap.-(Saute sliced onions till fragrant. Add in blended ingredients - chili paste, galangal, garlics, ginger and bruised lemon grass and cooked till oil rises up the surface. Add in beef stock, tamarind juice, some water and coconut milk. Add in salt, sugar and msg to taste. If preferred the sambal a bit wet, add a bit more water. Stir well. Add in fried ingredients and stir well. Taste what is needed. Add in sliced chillies, dried sliced chillies and fried shallots. Stir again till incorporated. Ready)


  1. Salam Kak Yu..
    Kalau sedap dan kesukaan, bersusah siket pun tak pe kan? Berbaloi²....lagi² bila tgk tinggal piyok jeee, time tu happynya rasa sampai boleh hilang penat memasak....

  2. Wow, lots of ingredients ...I'm sure the taste is superb! ;)

  3. Salam Ayu...

    sedap nya sambal goreng pengantin ni...rasa2 I tak pernah masak ni..selalu tunggu my mom or MIL yg masak..then I makan jer...he he..


  4. sue@nenie - walkslm, betul tu sue..kalau sedap susah2 sikit tak apalah kan..memang hilang penatnya kalau semuanya habis kan..hehe

    love2cook - yes love terus rasa macam baru jadi pengantin tau..hahah

    YatMaria - haha..frankly ini my first time masak lauk ni tau..selalunya my mum yg masak..haha..

  5. May i ask, as im not a big fan of gizzards and liver all. Will it be okay to omit these? Thank you!!


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