Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bayam Tumis

 Hai, just put Marsya to I can blog in peace..hehe...I told Iqram to take a nap too before his tuition later..Hasif still not back the computer is ALL mine...haha....

300 g sayur bayam - dibersihkan dan potong kecil-(300g spinach cut to small)
2 cawan santan - drpd 1/2 biji kelapa-(2 cups coconut milk)
2 batang cili hijau-(2 green chillies)
3 ulas bawang merah kecil-(3 shallots)
1 sk jintan manis-(1 tsp fennel powder)
sedikit kunyit hidup-(1cm fresh turmeric roots))
1 sb udang kering-(1 tbsp dried shrimp)
100 g udang hidup - dibuang kulit-(small prawns deveined)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
sedikit minyak masak - untuk menumis-(oil for saute)

Tumbuk cili hijau,bawang merah,kunyit,jintan dan udang kering tetapi jangan halus sangat.
Panaskan sedikit minyak dan tumis bahan yg ditumbuk tadi hingga terbit bau lalu masukkan udang hidup,kacau rata dan masukkan pula santan dan garam secukup rasa.Kacau.
Apabila santan mula mendidih,masukkan sayur bayam dan masak sayur hingga lembut.
Siap untuk dihidangkan dgn nasi panas.-(Ground green chillies, shallots, turmeric root, fennel and soaked dried shrimps coarsely. Heat oil and saute grounded ingredients till fragrant and add in prawns. Stir well and add in coconut milk, salt to taste. Stir. When boiled add in spinach and cook till soft. ready to be serve)

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