Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Udang Galah Sambal

What do they call this prawns in English ya?..Cant be 'Bamboo Prawns' right? can we call it big fresh water prawns?...bought and cooked this last week, when most of our Chinese friends were busy preparing their reunion when the Chinese busy shopping for their groceries, me also 'tumpang sekaki' ler..saw this udang galah uishhh..cant resist straight away buy, just closed one eye when I looked at the price per kilogram...

Thought of cooking the curry style like Ika, but the day before already cooked curry so I've decided on this sambal, which was suppose to be crabs...when Mr Hubby saw this..he, was gladddd..but said cannot always..high in cholesterol...

1 kg ketam dibersihkan dan dipotong jika suka(saya gunakan udang galah)-(1kg crabs washed and cleaned up to preference(I used big fresh water prawns)
2 batang cili merah dihiris-(2 red chillies sliced)
3 ulas bawang putih dihiris-(3 garlics sliced)
1 labu bawang besar dihiris-(1 large onion sliced)
1 batang serai diketuk-(1 lemon grass bruised)
2 sudu kecil cuka-(2 tsp vinegar)
minyak untuk menumis-(oil for saute)

Pes cili -Chili paste(blended)
14-20 batang cili kering dicelur hingga lembut-(dried chillies soaked till soft)
1cm belacan-(1cm shrimp paste)
5 ulas bawang kecil-(5 shallots)
1/2 cawan air-(1/2 cup water)

Ketam(udang) yang sudah dibersihkan, dilumurkan dengan sedikit garam dan serbuk kunyit lalu digoreng garing. Ketepikan. Panaskan minyak menumis dikuali. Masukkan serai dan bahan2 hirisan. Tumis hingga bangkit bau. lalu masukkan pes cili. Masak dan kacau hingga cili masak. Bubuh kan garam  dan gula secukup rasa lalu dimasukkan cuka. Gaulkan ketam yang sudah digoreng, balik2kan sebentar lalu matikan api. Siap dihidang dengan nasi putih.-(Cleaned crabs(prawns), marinate with some salt and turmeric powder and fried till a bit crispy, put aside.Heat oil and saute lemon grass and sliced ingredients. Saute till fragrant and add in chilli paste. Stir till cooked. Add in salt and sugar to taste and add in vinegar. Mix fried crabs(prawns) and turn over till incorporated.Turn off heat..Ready to be serve with warm white rice.)
Nota:- Ketam boleh juga digantikan dengan ikan
goreng, udang goreng, ayam goreng atau telur rebus. Juga digoreng dahulu.-(Crabs can be substitute to fried fishes, fried prawns, fried chicken and fried boiled eggs, making sure fried first)

1 comment:

  1. Udang galahnya begitu gagah perkasa...lihat body nyaa...pejal dan berketul...he he he..


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