Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Chocolate Banana Cupcakes

Made this quite sometimes ago but I forgot to upload in my blog...Got this recipe in Ieta's Penang house.. looked at the ingredients where  most are available at home and also the preparations was very I proceeded lah...never got tired of chocolate..lah...

*8-10 pisang emas
*2 biji telur
*1 cawan minyak
*1 cawan gula
*sedikit garam
*1 sudu teh vanilla esen2 cawan tepung gandum
2 sudu teh serbuk koko
1 sudu kecil soda bicarbonate

Masukkan pisang, minyak, gula, telur dan garam  kedalam blender dan blender hingga halus. Kemudian tuangkan kedalam bekas . Masukkan tepung, serbuk koko dan soda bikarbonate. Gaul sehingga sebati. Masukkan kedalam loyang atau papercups. Bakar pada suhu 160C selama 30-40 minit atau sehingga masak.


  1. wahh ..guna blander jee. ni yang nak cuba ni.Terima kasih

  2. Ayu..sgt romantik lo itu cc...mengiurkan selera ma!!!


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