Thursday, February 11, 2010

Daging Masak Lemak Cili Api - Negeri Sembilan Style

Got to quickly post today before the kids come back from school and will be busy in the kitchen... since Auntie is coming tomorrow  thought of making some cakes for her for  Chinese New Year.. she already pre m me that she will be giving me 1 box of mandarin oranges, so in return I thought a cake would be fine..hehe..-(Still thinking what cake to give her)

The Daging masak lemak cili api, if you noticed no onions used..this is  Negeri Sembilan style- the same way as how I cooked my ayam lemak cili api..but I added some tamarind slice.. for mine..

500g daging batang pinang-(beef)
2 batang serai-dititik-(lemon grass crushed)
20 biji cili padi-(bird eyes chillies)
1 inci halia-(Ayu tambah)-(1 inche ginger-Ayu added)
3 biji kentang-(potatoes)
1/2 inci kunyit hidup-(1/2 inch fresh turmeric roots)
1-2 cawan santan pekat-(thick coconut milk)
1 cawan santan cair -(thin coconut milk)
1 helai daun kunyit-(turmeric leaf)
sedikit garam-(salt)
1/2 cawan air atau secukupnya-(1/2 cup water or to estimate)
1-2 asam keping- (Ayu tambah)

Blend cili api, kunyit hidup sehingga halus. Kemudian masukkan bahan yang telah diblend, serai kedalam periuk. Masukkan daging dan tambah air sedikit. Masak sehingga empuk. Jika daging telah empuk masukkan santan cair dan air tadi. kemudian masukkan ubi kentang dan daun kunyit. Apablia ubi kentang telah empuk masukkan santan pekat dan garam. Tutup api.
Note:- Jikan hendak pedas dan lebih kick, tambah cili api. Ini adalah resepi original Negeri Sembilan. Kalau tak nak guna ubi kentang boleh guna belimbing buluh. Boleh juga kalau nak gunakan daging salai. tetapi kena letak belimbing buluh baru power.-(Blend bird eyes chillies, turmeric roots till fine. Add blended ingredients, lemon grass into a pot. Add in beef and some water. Put to boil till beef is cooked. When cooked add in thin coconut milk and water. Add in potatoes and turmeric leaf. When potatoes are soft add in thick coconut milk and salt. Turn off heat.)


  1. Salam kak..
    Tak tahan toiii tengok masak lomak nii....Nanti ada masa boleh gak masak ni...

  2. sue @nenie - cubalah sue..lagi pedas lagi best tu..haha


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