Thursday, February 04, 2010

Hot & Crispy Fried Dory

Basically this was an 'accident recipe'..hehe..the original was the hot & crispy fried chicken that I took from love2cook..well it all happened that when I fried the chickens..there are some balance of the marinated mixture sayang to throw away..I've decided to use the dory to be terjadilah hot & crispy fried dory!..hahaha....well the next time I made this again....crispy in the outside and soft in the inside... :-)

3-4 keping filet ikan dory dan potong ikut suka (dibersihkan dan ditoskan airnya...pastikan dah betul2 kering)-(3-4 dory fillet- cleaned and drained cut to preference - make sure really dry)
1 sb jus asam jawa (pekat)-(tbsp thick tamarind juice)
100 gm tepung jagung-( corn flour)
garam, gula dan aji secukupnya-( salt msg to taste)
sedikit daun bawang (tuk hiasan)-( spring onion for garnishing)
1 biji tomato - dihiris (tuk hiasan)-(tomato for garnishing)
minyak untuk menggoreng-(oil for frying)

Bahan kisar:- Blended ingredients:-
6 biji bawang merah-(shallots)
4 ulas bawang putih-(garlics)
1 inci halia-(ginger)
1 cm kunyit hidup-(fresh turmeric roots)
1 btg serai-(lemon grass)
1 sk serbuk lada putih-( pepper powder)
1/2 sk serbuk lada hitam-(tsp black pepper powder)
3 sb serbuk kari daging-(tbsp meat curry powder)
2 sb cili kering kisar / cili boh-(tbsp chili paste)
sedikit air-(a bit of water)

Gaul ikan dory bersama jus asam jawa, bahan2 kisar, garam, gula, aji dan tepung jagung. Perap selama 1 jam.Panaskan minyak dlm kuali. Pastikan minyak berlebihan supaya kepingan dory tenggelam ketika digoreng.Apabila minyak dah betul2 panas, masukkan satu persatu di dlm minyak. Gorengkan hingga masak. Angkat, toskan minyak berlebihan.Hiaskan bersama daun bawang dan tomato. Sedia dihidang!-(Mix dory fillet with thick tamarind juice, blended ingredients, salt, sugar, msg and corn flour. Marinate for 1 hour. Heat oil making sure chciken sinks in when frying. When oil is really hot then add in chicken. Deep fried till cook and strained. Garnish with tomatoes and spring onions. Ready)

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, this is looking really yummy lor kak! Never tried this b4! ;)


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