Thursday, February 04, 2010

Telor Semor Berlada - Pepper Eggs

Hi, must be wondering why I posted the pictures first for today right?...well I wanted to 'catch' hold of the time to publish my entries of yesterday, those posts that I've updated only apperared in bloggers bloglist after 6 hours of posting!!! today I posted early, but it seems ok pulak, can be seen after 1 hour...hai the systems are so unpredictable...anyway today entries are those menus that I've cooked during those days that  I didnt update my just jemput tengok ajelah ya..haha

6 hard boiled eggs -make several light slashes on the surface of each egg-(telur direbus dan dihiris sikit dipermukaan telur)

Soak for 10 minutes:-(rendam selama 10 minit)
2 heaped tsp coriander seeds(ketumbar)- (2 sudu kecil ketumbar biji)
11/2 tsp black peppercorns

3 cloves garlic-(bawang putih)
1 cm thick ginger-(1 cm halia)
1 round tsp tamarind pulp +1/2 cup water-(mix to obtain juice)-(1 sudu kecil asam jawa + 1/2 cawan air diramas ambil jusnya)
2 tsp sugar-(2 sudu teh gula)
2 tbsp dark soy sauce-(2 sudu beasr kicap masin)
1 large onion -cut into rings-(1 bawang besar dihirs bulat)
2 tbsp frozen green peas -(optional)-(2 sudu besar kacang hijau beku-optional)
2 red chillies -slash half way up-(2 batang chili merah dihirs memanjang)
2 green chillies slash half way up-(2 batang chili hijau dihirs memanjang)
1 tbsp oil-(1 sudu besar minyak masak)
salt to taste-(garam secukup rasa)

Grind coarsely, first the coriander seeds and peppercorns then add garlic and ginger and grind until crushed. Heat oil. Fry ground ingredients till fragrant. Add tamarind juice, sugar and dark soy sauce. When boiling add eggs and peas. Reduce heat and cook for 5 minutes. Add onion rings and chillies and heat through for another minute.-(Tumbuk kasar, biji ketumbar dan peppercorns, selepas itu, masukkan bawang putih dan halia. Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan2 tumbuk hingga naik bau. Masukkan jus asam jawa, gula dan kicap. Bila sudah mendidih masukkan telur dan kacang peas. Kecilkan api dan masak selama 5 minit. Masukkan bawang besar, cili merah dan hijau dan masak selama seminit lagi. )
Sources:-From Zarina's Home Cooking Book


  1. nak try la malam ni...mohon dipostkan bahannya

  2. Hi KakAyu...Love nak telur semor berlada satu! :)

  3. Salam kak Ayu..
    Sukee idea kelar telur macam gitu....Biasa masak apa² telur rebus nya main buh sebiji² jeee


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